Friday, October 21, 2011

Where Have ALL the Leaders Gone?

Oh dear. What to write about? What to write about that won't offend, anger, upset or generally fuck up someone's day or affect their tender sensibilities.

Everything that I have written about, you Kneegroes already know. Well, most of you anyway. The rest is in denial or just plain don't give a shit. As a whole, you have been played and abandoned by the president in black face and yet you hold out hope that by some miracle he will come around and be your champion. You think that he will see the light. Personally, I don't think so.

For one thing and that's the main thing: B.O is not black. At least not black as far as black people think of being black. BO is half African, which is something to keep in mind. That's a completely different animal, because Africans don't owe or otherwise associate with you Kneegroes.

What few leaders that you had have abandoned you. Good ol' Mr. Sharpton has defected to the dark side and is now working for the MSM. I never saw that one coming. Tavis and Cornel (whom I respect) are in love with Tavis and Cornel. They are trying in vain to talk some sense into the Big Giant Heads that rule. Sadly BGHs look upon them as two intelligent, well dressed talking apes. They are sooooo much fun to talk to and debate with as long as they recognize their place in the universe and not get too uppity.

We seem to be nothing without a leader. We seem to need somebody to provide some type of cohesion. We desperately need a direction and some body to provide it for us. We need an orator. We need a leader with some fire in their belly. A lot of the older black men are coming forward to speak up, but you see, that's the problem. They're too old. They've paid their dues. What? You Kneegroes see them on TeeVee falling asleep and you think that's funny when they shouldn't have to be out there in the first place.

Oh... I get it. You Kneegro men can't be bothered. Too busy making babies to prove your manhood are you? Too busy with your manly man shit to care about anyone but yourselves. Too busy making that money, but forgetting to help support that child you helped to make. Too busy trying to find a constructive way to get into jail because you have been brainwashed to believe that it's a rite of passage and a gateway to manhood whereby you can learn all sorts of neat tricks and learn to speak Ebonics the right way.

Black people have what I like to call the Arnold syndrome. When Arnold was just getting into movies, his agents tried to get him to change his last name. They told him that people would have a tough time pronouncing Schwarzenegger. To which Arnold replied, "So what?" He would make them learn. And he kept his last name and we learned to pronounce it. However, black people always seem to forget one tiny little thing. Arnold is white as white can be. White people just laugh at us and hold us up to ridicule as being too stupid to learn the English language. If you even mention the word Ebonics, they look at you kinda funny for awhile and either smile and in the case of the bolder ones, laugh out loud.

Where are the young educated black men? Where are the young orators? Where are the young men with a plan and the fire and steel needed to implement it? Where are the young men who can express the needs of a people who have fell by the wayside. We as people, deep down understand white people better than they understand themselves, at least we used to. We used to understand body language before body language was invented. We used to be able, at a sub conscience level to read expressions in peoples faces and not be aware that we were doing it. We were about as close to having a sixth sense as you could get.

What happened? In the process of trying to force our way into white culture, did we abandoned this gift like we abandoned civility towards each other? Like most of the men abandoned what it means to be a man and acknowledge other men as equals. Again. I ask: What happened? Maybe with the proper leader to inspire us, we would be able to remember, because those traits are still there. We just need to look inside ourselves and poke around a bit. Maybe with a little help we can be what the universe meant us to be, because the present pretender to the throne is not living up to the hype.

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