Monday, October 17, 2011

Something Wicked This Way comes

The Fool hasn't been blogging of late. I was just feeling way too good. Up here on the hill the weather has been righteously good. Not to mention that I have been submerged in some real "old skool music." I'm not talking about 20 years ago. I'm talking back in the day. The Impressions, Curtis Mayfield, Lou Rawls, Brenda and the Tabulations and the Dells is what is known as old skool. Get my meaning?

While the smooth sounds of Jerry Butler was floating through the air and the Tree wavering along with the melody, I was considering whether or not to publish my next post. It's somewhat controversial. History usually is.

If you've heard of the Willie Lynch letter then you know what I'm talking about. Some of you know about it and have read it. Some of you have heard about it, but never read it. Then, there are those of you who think that it doesn't even exist and if it does it's a complete fabrication. Whatever.

The Fool considers the Willie Lynch Letter a part of history, our history and it's not very pretty. The Big Giant Heads would have us deny it's existence. The BGHs would have us deny our history... period. And some of you Kneegroes go along with this. Just let me clear up a couple of things here and then I'll shut up and let you read.

Black people were not standing on the shores of Africa with placards saying: "Take me to America" and "I'm for sale". They did not paddle out to the ships and try to climb aboard.

The surnames of Jones, Washington, Johnson and other Judeo Christian, German and Irish surnames did not exist in Africa. Black people, to this day, still bear the surnames of their slave masters. Wrap your heads around that one. You did not have an ancestor running around Africa some 300 odd years ago named Akeem Jefferson.

And one more thing. When Big Giant Heads ask you, as a Black person where did you come from or where did you get your last name from… which I consider two of the most insipid, moronic, asinine, racist, mean, ignorant, insensitive and just plain goddamned stupid questions you could ask a Black person, why don't you tell the truth? It was the surname of the people who owned your family. There. I said it. And you stupid Kneegroes wear it with pride. No wonder Africans laugh at you.

The Fools mind is about to go on vacation, so before it leaves, go ahead and read the Willie Lynch Letter and make up your own minds. And one last note.(I promise.) The only thing I did to this piece of information was to break it down into paragraphs to make it easier to read. No other changes were made.

If you're interested, click HERE

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