Monday, October 31, 2011

The Pope Said So

To every problem expressed against you kneegroes, someone and there's always someone who is responsible for mouthing those famous words: "What's the solution?" Indeed. What is the solution? How about abandoning the "What" of the problem and concentrating on the "Where" as in: Where do we start? or, "How" do we address the problem?, which are many.

For starters how about being a little bit civil to each other? It's a small thing and all it's gonna cost you is a breath. Yep. A tiny exhalation of air as in "Hi" as you pass. The Fool knows that some of you Kneegroes out there would rather have hot pokers shoved up your asses before you would even begin to acknowledge the existence of another black person. You'd probably shoot that poor Kneegro for stealing your air. Okay then, let's try this one. How about going old skool and just giving the nod? It's just a teeny weeny tip of the head in an upwards motion. It says that I see you and I don't mean you any harm. And you might as well add: "please don't shoot me" to the description cause these ain't the old days.

It's something to build on. And it's funny because when you black people are surrounded by white faces, the first thing you look for is another black person. I can't figure that one out. That's cogitative reasoning at it's worse. For you more bolder souls out there, a smile would be nice with eye contact. Note. I did not say stare. I said eye contact. Staring is another one of those things that will get a cap busted in your ass. Please remember this. There ARE rules.

I have to ask. How did it get this way? When did kindness become a weakness? How can such a small insignificant word like "Hi" hold so much negative power? Is this another one of those slavery things? Someone, I forgot who, postulated that black people suffer from Post Traumatic Stress from slavery, which seems kinda far fetched to me after so much time has passed. Another rather unorthodox theory out there is Stockholm Syndrome wherein the captives become sympathetic with the captors. Hmmmm? I don't know.

So. As if you didn't know, the Fool has his own theory and being the Fool that I am, it's kinda out there. For instance when our ancestors first came to this country, (Yep. Back to slavery) they made it here in a state of shock, those that survived. The human mind can take just so much shit before it turns in the keys and checks out. These people went through something so unimaginably brutal and horrible that it's hard for us to imagine it. And as a side note here. I am not talking about the people, black or white who instigated the conditions those people found themselves in. I'm talking about the people who actually went through those horrid changes. There is a difference.

Where was I? Okay. You got this brand spanking "new" thing in front of you. The scuttlebutt from the ships was that they weren't quite human, but they were strong and capable of learning. Even the church had given it's blessing or in the words of the Pope, God had said have fun and knock yourselves out and good luck.

So there they stood. Devoid of religion. Devoid of culture. Devoid of pride. Just a human shell filled with fear. This was truly a case of survival of the fittest. The only problem was that the lights were on, but nobody was home and nobody thought or wanted to check to see if there was a faulty connection somewhere because after all, they weren't like "you and me" and there was work to do. So began our ancestors indoctrination into the white culture of the time.

I use the word indoctrination in it's sluttiest form as opposed to absorbed, because there was no way in Hell white people were going to absorb us into their society. A belief system functioning to this day. In the end, it's all academic because at the time our ancestors were in Pavlovian mode. Punishment and reward. From the beginning black people were divided. Off to the fields you go. Welcome to the big house for you and you over there. Yeh, you. You are a fine turn of a woman. You. Up to my bedroom with you. We gonna have some fun tonight. God is good.

And that's how it started. An abbreviated version. The point is this. We are still involved in this hellish indoctrination whether we want to admit it or not. Studies have proven that your little child would rather have the little blond doll over the black one. Maybe we treat each other so badly is because we are ashamed that we are this way. We are ashamed because we are/were made to feel ashamed. Because we were used and ostracized by a society that at one time said we were free to do... what? Get the shit kicked out of us because some white person was having a bad day? Because we are so fucked up in the head that we still carry around the belief of "good hair", light to bright skin and "talking white". Believe it or not, these are all the things that we, in our kookoo state of mind, use to identify ourselves with those who twisted us into this simulacrum of white people. We are ashamed ....and angry. At what? Because having "good" hair or light skin makes a black person just a little bit closer to being white? Is that it? Is that one piece of the puzzle? Is that one of the things that light your fire? Hell I'd be ashamed to admit that to my own damn self. You think the Fool is crazy? You think the Fool has lost what little mind that he had? Fair enough. But please explain to me the existence of the Brown Bag Clubs. And yes, they still exist. Or how about the obsession with the Prezs' skin color. Oh my Lord! Really? I did warn you.

On the other hand, if you're secure in yourself and your own skin, then what I have said means nothing. It was a bunch of crap, but I suspect I did slip one of the board pieces into place and given enough time the whole picture will eventually come into view.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Since today is Sunday, I thought I would do a little public service announcement. A little light reading if you will. Us kneegroes don't as a matter of course, blow our own horn, unless it has to do with sports or entertainment. Well there's a lot more to us as a people other than running with a ball or dribbling a ball or making white people laugh or dying in front of a camera at the movies There are highly educated black people in this country and the world who just go about their jobs and keep a low profile. Whether or not the low profile thing is by choice or that the white MSM refuses to showcase them is a post for another time. Lord knows we need to let our young people know that there are alternatives to poverty, gangs, dancing and rapping.
Anyway. First up is Professor Aaron S. Evans. That's him on your left.
Aaron S. Evans

born: June 1968, place: Texas

pre-doctorate institution: B. Sc. (Physics & Astronomy) University of Michigan (1990); M. S. (Astronomy) Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii (1993)

doctorate institution: Ph. D. (Astronomy) Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii (1996)

area: Astronomy

current employment: Asst. Professor, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, SUNY at Stony Brook

Damn. Impressive, yes?

I chose a black man to start with for the simple reason that black men in the general population seem to be at a crossroads. Almost 70 percent of black children are born to single mothers. Those mothers are far more likely than married mothers to be poor, even after a post-welfare-reform decline in child poverty. They are also more likely to pass that poverty on to their children. It's pretty hard to ignore facts like these.

We need to let our young people know that there are indeed alternatives to sports and entertainment. We need more people like Professor Evans. We need to let them know that they can be whatever they want to be and that we, as adults have their backs. We need to let them know that there is no such thing as "acting white". Knowledge is colorblind and will not be denied, no matter who you are. Smart people will always find a way, that is, unless they spend the better portion of their lives being beaten down and told that they ain't shit or being called animals. That's a shout-out to the Big Giant Heads. You know who you are.

Here's some more stuff on Professor Evans.

My current research primarily deals with observations of colliding galaxies and their associated phenomena (starbursts and active galactic nuclei [AGN]). The study of these galaxies requires a multi-wavelength approach, which to date has included optical to mid-infrared imaging, as well as near-infrared and (sub)millimeter spectroscopy. The observing facilities used to carry out these programs are the Mauna Kea Observatories in Hawaii (UH 2.2m, UKIRT, JCMT, Keck), the Hubble Space Telescope, the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Chandra X-ray Observatory, the Owens Valley Millimeter Arrayin California, the Steward Observatory 12m telescope at Kitt Peak, Arizona, and the IRAM 30m telescope in Spain.

BAM!!!!!! Take THAT bitches!

Note: Professor Evans. If you, by chance happen upon this site, please don't sue me. I'm just a poor black fool.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Truth is a Skanky Bitch

I snatched the below snippet from Clutch. It says what I have been ranting about, only in a more refined way. I am not refined. I am a fool. The good thing about being a fool is the ability to say a lot of outrageous shit, because one aspect of the truth is it's outrageousness. Lies are always smooth and flowing. That's what draws you in. The smoothness. No matter how many holes can be punched in lie, you want to believe it, you're compelled to believe it, because, sounds like the truth.

A lie makes the truth seem boring, especially when there's a tiny germ of that truth buried within the lie. Those are the good ones. It's a funny thing. A lie can be shown to be a lie with all manner of proof to back it up and the truth laid bare for all to see. But the truth is often so over the top outrageous with it's twists and turns that the majority of people would still prefer to believe in the lie and will be happy to kick the shit out of you in its defense.

Isn't human nature the funniest thing? It. Is. Hilarious. Anyway, the four paragraphs below were taken from the original article: Towards An International Black Identity and was written by Lexis B. who I hope doesn't sue my ass. Hey, you can't sue somebody who's not right in the head, can you?

We have thought of ourselves as separate for too long. This thinking has brought war at its worst and a waste of our richness as a group on an ongoing basis. As children of Africa we cannot remain divided, preventing cultural gold and intellectual silver that could be circulated for powerful growth from flowing because of the misconception that we are different. We must redeem our sense of unity to move ahead, because no one is going to help us, but us.

We are used to fighting to achieve our goals. But our final battle for oneness will be ironically be won only through the power of love. This story can help us make the much-needed switch in approach.

The first female president of an African nation, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, was elected president of Liberia in 2005. At the time of her election, Sirleaf was a seasoned politician, but it was not her track record that got her elected. Sirleaf’s rise was fueled by the Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace, which unified a country that had been divided by civil war for 14 years. This small group of women sat in the middle of a war zone and refused to move until the warring sides put down their guns. Simple and successful, their movement put a woman in their nation’s top spot without throwing a grenade. President Sirleaf has used this power to rebuild her homeland based on the principles of truth and humanity. This amazing feat shows the power of the black woman’s spirit to heal and unite. The power of love to redeem old wounds and create oneness.

Self-value in our oneness as a people will help us recognize and purposefully utilize the African riches that have built up other countries for ourselves. No matter where we are on the globe, we are called by that familiar “Afro-“ or “African” preceding the nation where our ancestors landed — an eternal umbilical cord connecting us all to an immortal mother. No mother likes to see her children fight. Mother Africa wants to see us united and strong. We must see that no group of blacks is better than, less than, or immune to each others’ problems. We are seen as one, and we can achieve as one. We are one and we must unite.

Did you notice the use of the words, love, oneness, spirit, to heal and to unite? My favorite was/is "Children of Africa". It sounds much better than African American, at least to me. By default, I am an American. My spirit, through it's many incarnations is African. Thus I am a child of Africa. To any white person reading this, you can be a child of your country of origin too, whether it be the misty isles of Ireland, the white cliffs in England or the steppes of Russia. Children of the Sands sounds pretty good for the Arabian people.

I am reminded of a poem by Kahlil Gibran.

Love one another, but make not a bond of love Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

Fill each other's cup, but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread, but eat not from the same loaf.

Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping; For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.

And stand together yet not too near together; For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.

This was a long post. But, I think, worth it.

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Corner of Survival and Just Getting By

There is a saying that's been floating around and has been for awhile, especially in the body building world: What doesn't kill you, will make you stronger. I tend to disagree. I believe that what doesn't kill you , will fuck you up for the rest of your life. And the strong don't always survive. Those are just the facts. Reality is a bitch. Because the meek will never inherit this Earth. This reality, by design is structured on survival for the fittest. You can be predator or you can be prey.

Black people have been chosen or depending on your point of view, assigned the role of prey. Was it through no fault of our own? Or was it meant to be a lesson? If it is intended to be a lesson, we haven't learned it very well. Some in the religious community believe that we were assigned this role through divine intervention. I don't know about that. I am a fool. But any "God" that would purposely give dominion to some of "his" children over the rest of his children has some serious personal issues on a cosmic scale. That's just my personal opinion and coming from a microscopic piece of dust such as myself, means nothing. I admit it.

There are black people in this country who have done very well for themselves and there are those of us who have not. The majority of us exist on the corner of Survival and Just Getting By. We are not ready... for anything. We are still too busy arguing amongst ourselves to realize that something is coming down the pike, to coin a phrase. Have you black people ever heard of survivalists? These are white people who are getting their shit together. And they are not crazy. They are getting prepared. A lot of people are getting prepared. We as a people are stuck on a hill with our gears frozen in neutral and our foot on the brake, trying to prevent the inevitable and uncaring force of gravity from dragging us backwards and over the cliff onto the rocks below.

We are stagnating. The furthest that we will go into the forest is to rant about the politics of politics, not realizing that around the next tree is a very large bear trap that will spring close on our ankle, probably shattering the bone and sending us into shock. Reality, which has a very nasty and untimely way of intruding on ones life, strolls over and takes a big chunk out of our ass as our neurons go into overdrive and come up with this amazing protracted theory that no one will be coming to help us and sooner, rather than later we will have to contemplate the unsavory decision to chew our leg off, because that's what politics is all about. Traps. Very dangerous traps. And there's no help in sight.

At the other end of the spectrum there are those of us who are just plain lost in the forest. We went in too deep without a compass, because we figured we couldn't read one anyway, so what was the use of bringing one. And surprise. There's no cell phone service and we don't have any matches, because we don't smoke and oh yeah, food wasn't a problem. There's a MickyD's right down the road. So while we were contemplating the beauty of the forest and what it must have been like in Africa, we lost our way. And incidentally, there's no help coming.

At some point we, as a people have to realize that we are on our own. We are responsible not only for our own behavior, and our own well being, but how we define ourselves and the spirit that dwells within. We have to be prepared for what's ahead, because the worlds stage is being remodeled before our very eyes and we will be needing totally different costumes and scripts when the casting starts for the new mega blockbuster that's in production and will be coming to a theatre near you and if you don't have your back stage pass, you'll be left outside in the alley to fend for yourself with the rest of the people on the Northeast corner of Just Getting By.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Race and Spirituality

Does the word spirituality have to have the word "black" in front of it? Is the word spirituality only valid when used by white people? Is it necessary to use any type of word in front of spirituality? Why is the word black in front of spirituality even necessary? It's just something the Fool has been thinking about here lately.

I think about spirituality often as opposed to religion, especially organized religion. A lot of people claim to be spiritual in nature and yet I have heard or read of these same people telling someone who disagrees with them to stick their opinion up their ass. I have seen these people gloat at the death or misfortune of another human being. Some how this just doesn't gel in the Fools mind, which means it just forms little globs of inanimate matter and oozes out of my ears. I would like to know how these two very different and wildly separate point of views can exist in the human form. After all, you might say: Hitler loved Eva Braun, that being a wildly divergent statement, yet illustrates my point.

Are we these spiritual beings that we purport to be or are we just too lazy to fess up to the fact that we don't want to join one of the many popular religions that permeate our society and just blurt out to anybody that is listening that, "I am a spiritual person." I mean you can be into witchcraft, Satanism, Druidism, Emissaries of Divine Light, Ananda Marga or any of the thousands of religions and cults out there and call yourself spiritual. You can even be non spiritual and call yourself spiritual. It's all semantics.

What I'm trying to get at here is, do you believe in a higher divine power and does this power have a preference as to how it is known to you since you think you should delegate the word "black" as a means to identify your belief system? Apart from the verifiable cults and focusing on one divine force (we're still talking spiritual here), why is it necessary to superimpose race onto the divine? Organized religion has done a pretty good job of that through the centuries and way back in the good old days more than a few white people thought heaven was segregated and their churches reflected their beliefs. And if you were to go backwards a few more steps in time, you would find that a lot of those kindly slave owners believed that their slaves would be with them in the hereafter to tend to their needs. I guess they believe that at the end of the "day" their servants would retire to the ghetto section of Heaven to await their call to duty for the next day.

If you think about it, the Egyptians believed the same thing. How weird is that? And how come God didn't say anything about all the Africans held in bondage? Oops. My bad. I promised to stay off the subject of religion.

Is being spiritual having your own personal relationship with a higher power than yourself and understanding that this power has your benefit at heart and that you are a part of everything and everything is a part of you and believing that when you commit a wrong, a wrong will be committed against you because the universe works on cause and effect and good and evil and positive and negative and so above as below. Is this what you define as spiritual? Because if it is, then you wouldn't be doing and saying some of the crazy, insane, vile and nasty shit that you do. And you would drop the word "black" from in front of spiritual.

All is borrowed energy, neither black, white, red or yellow. Neither good or bad. It's how you apply this gift of life in your daily travels through this temporal plane. You can make your little light shine brighter than the brightest star or you can make it flutter as if deprived of oxygen. This gift is only a loaner. Be careful how you use it, because there's no renewal on this contract.

But, like I always say, I am just a Fool. What do I know?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Media and Indoctrination

Have you ever heard the phrase: a people are the sum total of their history? Or to break it down on a personal level: people are the sum total of their experiences. They both mean the same thing, only the names have changed to protect the innocent.

I constantly refer to the Middle Passage, because that's where it all began; what you might call the root problem of the black race in Amerikkka. To understand yourselves, you've got to understand where you came from. You can trace your family tree all you want to, but that only tells you the genealogical order of how you arrived at the place that you are now. If you were to trace the psychological tree (and they do exist), you would find something terrifying and magical. For instance. You remember uncle Walter, the light skinned uncle? Well, you might find that good old uncle Walter inherited a gene on his white side that made him a tad bit dysfunctional. Get the idea?

From the moment your ancestors walked, crawled or were dragged from those ships, your fates were sealed. The indoctrination began immediately and was permanent and has lasted into the twenty first century. Resistance was futile. Frankly, I'm surprised that the psychology of the Middle Passage and the subsequent brain altering mechanisms used by those who held our lives in their hands has not been discussed among black scholars and those in academia who are way more smarted than I am. But what the hell. I'm just a fool. Who lives on a hill. And just watches the world spinning round.

Sorry. I tend to get carried away and I apologize. continue on the subject of indoctrination and this is not a lecture. This is just how it's been. A blank slate. That's what we were and as any science fiction writer will tell you, a blank slate upon which white people could write anything they chose to. The writers of that time chose subjugation. And to all of you Kneegroes who insist on defending the phrase: they were just men of their times, I say to you: FUCK YOU! All you're saying is that they were by no means exceptional. Gandhi was not a man of his times, nor was Dr. King or John Kennedy for that matter. What you're saying is that these were just plain old ordinary racist home boys who were unable to rise above their society and that was alright because that's the way it was back then. Fuck you. Caesar was not a man for his time, nor was Aristotle, Pythagoras, Sun Tzu(the little Chinese guy who wrote the Art of War), Muhammad Ali (my hero),Rabindranath Tagore (look it up) and of course Jesus Christ. These were people of their time, but not of their time. These were selfless people who tried to improve upon the human condition and better thir station in life and those around them for whatever reason. They pushed for the greater good. How was slavery for the greater good? Anybody with a lick of sense would have known that the human condition was to be free and that the matrix of slavery would, sooner or later come back and bite them in the ass. History has proven this and yet they ignored history for their own gain. And these were men of their times? Kneegroes,… PLEASE.

If you black people don't know by now, the media is your worst enemy. The media from the time of the old printing presses have been showcasing your worst traits to the United state and the world, which was justified and even sanctioned by the Pope and the church which relegated you to the status of animals. Kinda forgot about that didn't you? And how was this belief spread? Well, as they say: the media was the message.

TeeVee and the MSM is no friend of black people. It was through the media well up to the late sixties that contributed to the vilification of black people. You should know this. It's part of your history. It's a history white people want you to forget. It's a history white people don't want to discuss. White people don't want to have a dialog about race. If they did, don't you think we would have had one by now, especially here in "post racial" Amerikkka? No, sorry. The majority of white people just want you to go away. They wish to wake up one morning, turn to the news and discover, by some miracle that all the black people in the country have vanished. Then they can lead the harmonious lives that God meant for them to live.

Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?

Sun Tzu-

Saturday, October 22, 2011

What Happened to Our Voices?

Where will all of you Kneegroes and Black people be when the shit hits the fan? What will you be doing when everything collapses? How do you plan on surviving?

If you have been keeping up with the news you know things are looking pretty grim.

You also know that the so-called black man in charge is responsible for the killing of another black man who was allegedly not playing nice with his fellow countrymen. Surely you must know that the former ruler of Libya told the central banks to kiss his ass. Surely you must know that all of that oil money was being plowed back into to the country and surely you must know that this black man raised the standard of living for 64% of his citizens.

I bet you didn't know that in the beginning the rebels were comprised mostly of Israeli troops. Didn't know that did you? I bet you didn't know that al Quada was part of the rebel army. Remember them? The so called bad guys that posed such a threat to your security here at home. The reason that the TSA agents are having such a good old time feeling you up. Remember?

Where do you Kneegroes fit in to all that is happening? Where is your place? Where is your voice? A lot of you out there are just too busy trying to survive on a daily basis to ponder all of this. But surely it has passed through your mind. Surely you have noticed the rising food prices and the fact that gas refuses to go down and how expensive it is to rent or do you just see it as business as usual.

Do black people even have a voice in post racial Amerikka? And if they do, is anybody listening? All I have heard from the so-called president and the Big Giant Heads is: "Quit your whining and get a job." Is that why we're so silent? Because any time we stand up for our rights it's interpreted as whining? When some of us bring to the light the obvious racist behavior of a Big Giant Head, we are told that it's all in our heads and in reality we are the racist and we should just shut up and get over it. And will you Kneegroes PLEASE! stop acting so surprised and shocked and overcomed when some Big Giant Head does or says something really awful to or about black people. It's not like you weren't eventually expecting it. Or are you really that removed from reality?

Sorry. I went away for awhile there. Now I'm back.

What is your personal take on the murder of Muammar Gaddafi? Do you think it was justified? What do you think of Muammar Gaddafi the man and former ruler? Do you have an opinion at all? Or are you removed from what the B. Obama Traveling Allstars and Motorcade that is coming to a location near you doing?

Of course you must know that what's happening can't continue. This country can't just keep throwing darts at a map to decide who it's going to invade next. And in case you haven't heard, the troops will be coming home soon. What then? And how long will they be allowed to be idle? These are not the same people who went there and were forced to serve two and three tours of duty. Have you any idea what has been done to these people? Do you even care? Where's your voices?

There was a time when black people had pride. What happened to it? Did it get buried in the Rap culture or the gang culture or the me, me, me culture? It's so very easy to see why these sub cultures thrived. They were something that you could belong to. That is except for the me culture. You only belong to that because it allowed you to express your unfettered greed to consume and satisfy your immediate needs. The other cultures filled a void all humans have. To belong and feel needed. Yep, they weren't the greatest thing to be a part of, but they came along at the right time, so I guess they served a purpose or not.

The problem with the cultures of Rap and gangs is simple. They misused their power. They used their voices to separate instead of unite. In the process the Big Giant Heads moved in and watered down what was a very powerful message in Rap. Some of the rappers moved into the Big House with the women of the Big Giant Heads, some got popped and some,... a couple, retired. Case closed. Voices silenced. Hell, the government knows every black gang member in the country. If they want you, they know where to find you. So I guess you could say, you're out there operating with their blessings because when the time comes to silence your voices, you won't stand a chance. Don't believe me? Find one of those old guys who belonged to the Black Panther Party and ask them, because they had a hellava lot of infiltrators working inside the Party.

I guess you know that white people, as a whole are amassing their own personal arsenals to deal with you Kneegroes when the shit hits the fan. This is just a heads up and something to think about while you're out there trying to survive day to day. Since this tid-bit is coming from a Fool, make of it what you will.

Go ahead and remain silent.

NOTE. Here's a link to an article that needs to be read about B. Obama and his relationship to black people. CLICK HERE

Friday, October 21, 2011

Where Have ALL the Leaders Gone?

Oh dear. What to write about? What to write about that won't offend, anger, upset or generally fuck up someone's day or affect their tender sensibilities.

Everything that I have written about, you Kneegroes already know. Well, most of you anyway. The rest is in denial or just plain don't give a shit. As a whole, you have been played and abandoned by the president in black face and yet you hold out hope that by some miracle he will come around and be your champion. You think that he will see the light. Personally, I don't think so.

For one thing and that's the main thing: B.O is not black. At least not black as far as black people think of being black. BO is half African, which is something to keep in mind. That's a completely different animal, because Africans don't owe or otherwise associate with you Kneegroes.

What few leaders that you had have abandoned you. Good ol' Mr. Sharpton has defected to the dark side and is now working for the MSM. I never saw that one coming. Tavis and Cornel (whom I respect) are in love with Tavis and Cornel. They are trying in vain to talk some sense into the Big Giant Heads that rule. Sadly BGHs look upon them as two intelligent, well dressed talking apes. They are sooooo much fun to talk to and debate with as long as they recognize their place in the universe and not get too uppity.

We seem to be nothing without a leader. We seem to need somebody to provide some type of cohesion. We desperately need a direction and some body to provide it for us. We need an orator. We need a leader with some fire in their belly. A lot of the older black men are coming forward to speak up, but you see, that's the problem. They're too old. They've paid their dues. What? You Kneegroes see them on TeeVee falling asleep and you think that's funny when they shouldn't have to be out there in the first place.

Oh... I get it. You Kneegro men can't be bothered. Too busy making babies to prove your manhood are you? Too busy with your manly man shit to care about anyone but yourselves. Too busy making that money, but forgetting to help support that child you helped to make. Too busy trying to find a constructive way to get into jail because you have been brainwashed to believe that it's a rite of passage and a gateway to manhood whereby you can learn all sorts of neat tricks and learn to speak Ebonics the right way.

Black people have what I like to call the Arnold syndrome. When Arnold was just getting into movies, his agents tried to get him to change his last name. They told him that people would have a tough time pronouncing Schwarzenegger. To which Arnold replied, "So what?" He would make them learn. And he kept his last name and we learned to pronounce it. However, black people always seem to forget one tiny little thing. Arnold is white as white can be. White people just laugh at us and hold us up to ridicule as being too stupid to learn the English language. If you even mention the word Ebonics, they look at you kinda funny for awhile and either smile and in the case of the bolder ones, laugh out loud.

Where are the young educated black men? Where are the young orators? Where are the young men with a plan and the fire and steel needed to implement it? Where are the young men who can express the needs of a people who have fell by the wayside. We as people, deep down understand white people better than they understand themselves, at least we used to. We used to understand body language before body language was invented. We used to be able, at a sub conscience level to read expressions in peoples faces and not be aware that we were doing it. We were about as close to having a sixth sense as you could get.

What happened? In the process of trying to force our way into white culture, did we abandoned this gift like we abandoned civility towards each other? Like most of the men abandoned what it means to be a man and acknowledge other men as equals. Again. I ask: What happened? Maybe with the proper leader to inspire us, we would be able to remember, because those traits are still there. We just need to look inside ourselves and poke around a bit. Maybe with a little help we can be what the universe meant us to be, because the present pretender to the throne is not living up to the hype.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Additional Information

This is going to be an information post. As you all know, or should, I like to troll the news sites and wander through the postings to said sites. And Lawd have mercy, some of the things I do read.

Here's just one example I found today.

An 11-year-old girl was injured Sunday afternoon on the Far South Side of Chicago when she was struck in the arm by a stray bullet while she sat inside her home, watching TV.
And here's a few of the comments.
"she should have been doing homework in her room. TV is bad for her"
"look at the demographics...welfare state much"
"Another fine example of Dr. Kings legacy. I am sure he would be ashamed of what has become of blacks in America today. With all the drugs , driveby shootings and crime his words have been drown out ."

Now you have to remember that this is from ONE site. Have you Kneegroes considered that stories like the above go viral all over the Internet? Youtube Facebook and other social sites are not the only sites where a story can go viral. These stories are picked up by online news sources every day.

And do you know what the scary, freaky deaky part is? Depending on where you're reading something like this, these people who are making these insensitive racist remarks, just might be known to you in some capacity. You might work with them every day. They might be your neighbor. You will probably give their kids candy on Halloween. You probably speak to them when you're out shopping. The odds are pretty good that they might be your doctor or dentist or plumber or the smiling lady who is checking you in for your appointment.

Although, being a Black male, I have noticed lately that white women do not smile at Black men (unless they know he has money or a big tallywhacker).

You might be thinking... "paranoid much?"

Could be. Maybe. After all, I am a Fool.

On a separate note concerning my last post on Willie Lynch. I will be posting additional information, which is available HERE


Something Wicked This Way comes

The Fool hasn't been blogging of late. I was just feeling way too good. Up here on the hill the weather has been righteously good. Not to mention that I have been submerged in some real "old skool music." I'm not talking about 20 years ago. I'm talking back in the day. The Impressions, Curtis Mayfield, Lou Rawls, Brenda and the Tabulations and the Dells is what is known as old skool. Get my meaning?

While the smooth sounds of Jerry Butler was floating through the air and the Tree wavering along with the melody, I was considering whether or not to publish my next post. It's somewhat controversial. History usually is.

If you've heard of the Willie Lynch letter then you know what I'm talking about. Some of you know about it and have read it. Some of you have heard about it, but never read it. Then, there are those of you who think that it doesn't even exist and if it does it's a complete fabrication. Whatever.

The Fool considers the Willie Lynch Letter a part of history, our history and it's not very pretty. The Big Giant Heads would have us deny it's existence. The BGHs would have us deny our history... period. And some of you Kneegroes go along with this. Just let me clear up a couple of things here and then I'll shut up and let you read.

Black people were not standing on the shores of Africa with placards saying: "Take me to America" and "I'm for sale". They did not paddle out to the ships and try to climb aboard.

The surnames of Jones, Washington, Johnson and other Judeo Christian, German and Irish surnames did not exist in Africa. Black people, to this day, still bear the surnames of their slave masters. Wrap your heads around that one. You did not have an ancestor running around Africa some 300 odd years ago named Akeem Jefferson.

And one more thing. When Big Giant Heads ask you, as a Black person where did you come from or where did you get your last name from… which I consider two of the most insipid, moronic, asinine, racist, mean, ignorant, insensitive and just plain goddamned stupid questions you could ask a Black person, why don't you tell the truth? It was the surname of the people who owned your family. There. I said it. And you stupid Kneegroes wear it with pride. No wonder Africans laugh at you.

The Fools mind is about to go on vacation, so before it leaves, go ahead and read the Willie Lynch Letter and make up your own minds. And one last note.(I promise.) The only thing I did to this piece of information was to break it down into paragraphs to make it easier to read. No other changes were made.

If you're interested, click HERE

Monday, October 10, 2011

545 VS 300, 000, 000

I posted this back in January. It seems more relevant now.

Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.

Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don't propose a federal budget. The president does.

You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.

You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank.

I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a president to do one cotton-picking thing. I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes.

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.

What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits.... . The president can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it.

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House? Nancy Pelosi. She is the leader of the majority party. She and fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget they want. If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million can not replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red ..

If the Army & Marines are in IRAQ , it's because they want them in IRAQ If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way.

There are no insoluble government problems.

Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like "the economy," "inflation," or "politics" that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.

Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.

They, and they alone, have the power..

They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses.

Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees...

  • Sales Tax
  • Liquor Tax
  • Luxury Tax
  • Excise Taxes
  • Property Tax
  • Cigarette Tax
  • Medicare Tax
  • Inventory Tax
  • Real Estate Tax
  • Well Permit Tax
  • Fuel Permit Tax
  • Inheritance Tax
  • Road Usage Tax
  • CDL license Tax
  • Dog License Tax
  • State Income Tax
  • Food License Tax
  • Vehicle Sales Tax
  • Social Security Tax
  • Service Charge Tax
  • Fishing License Tax
  • Federal Income Tax
  • Building Permit Tax
  • IRS Interest Charges
  • Hunting License Tax
  • Marriage License Tax
  • Corporate Income Tax
  • Personal Property Tax
  • Accounts Receivable Tax
  • Recreational Vehicle Tax
  • Workers Compensation Tax
  • Watercraft Registration Tax
  • Telephone Usage Charge Tax
  • Telephone Federal Excise Tax
  • Telephone State and Local Tax
  • IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
  • State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
  • Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
  • Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
  • Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
  • Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon)
  • Utility Taxes Vehicle License Registration Tax
  • Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
  • Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

These are indeed strange times we live in.

Article written by Charlie Reese

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Rules of the Game

The Fool has come up with some rules for you Kneegroes to live by. Although Black people will find these rules offensive and maybe scoff at them, they are what

they are and I am reasonably sure that quite a few of you out there have been unintentionally involved in situations that these rules apply to and have been left shaking your heads and wondering WTF.

In this new reality, it's hard to distinguish whether or not the person you're dealing with is having a bad day or not. Let me assure you, that if a BGH is having a bad day, YOU will be on the receiving end of their wrath. Bet on it.

Essentially, these rules are for survival in the office workplace, although they can be applied to any work environment. Let the Fool state for a fact, that I have seen what can happen when you (black people) ignore these rules. The outcome usually involves the police or being fired or depending on the situation, a good old-fashioned talking to, which accuses you of overreacting.

Here we go.
Secret Doctrine of the Cacasoid
How to Control and Manage the Modern Day African American Ape
  1. I have no interest in your personal life, although my own should be important to you.
  2. We are not friends. We are co-workers. Please take the time to learn the difference.
  3. Only speak when spoken to.
  4. I will speak to you if I am in the mood.
  5. I will be cordial when speaking, unless you speak to me first.
  6. Do not make eye contact with me. I will perceive this as a threat.
  7. Do not avert your eyes while talking to me. I will take this as an attempt to hide something.
  8. Do not talk too much. You will come across as uppity and arrogant to me.
  9. Do not be too quiet. I will know you are up to something.
  10. If you have a bubbly personality and a positive outlook on life look forward to drug testing.
  11. There is a time limit on any conversation we might have. The limit will depend on the mood I am in. (See rule number 3)
  12. Please do not startle, upset, surprise or scare me. I will perceive this as a threat to my life and in extreme situations, I, as a White person, have the right as granted to me by the Constitution of the United States and God himself to kill you dead.
The sub title was my own. I added it after perusing a great many blog forums and posts to articles about Black people who do not play nice. It seems that a good deal of white forumnites have developed the habit of referring to black people (all of you) as animals and apes when you fail to exhibit a less than stellar personality. The fool is sure that there are more rules and even the above are subject to change. That's the problem with racism. It's constantly evolving and mutating. Because, for sure, racism is not the normal spiritual state of human beings.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Spiritual vs Religious

The Fool is going to tread lightly with this post, mainly because he knows how

you black people feel about certain things.

Throughout his life, the Fool has heard people refer to themselves as spiritual, but not religious. Not to start anything here and trying to be as delicate as possible, because people here in Amerikka take their beliefs very serious, The Fool wants to know what separates a spiritual person from a religious person. Aren't religious people spiritual? Or, aren't they supposed to be? I never really gave it much thought.

I like visiting forums and reading replies to news articles. In fact, I enjoy the replies more than the articles. Anyways, during the course of my wandering through the wonderful world of forumania; I've noticed how rude and sometimes downright vicious religious people can be. I found spiritual people a bit more tolerant, but not by much. This cogitation of reasoning sent me in search of the meaning of both religious and spiritual.

The results are below, courtesy of Wikipedia.
Spirituality can refer to an ultimate or an alleged immaterial reality; an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of his/her being; or the “deepest values and meanings by which people live.” Spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer and contemplation, are intended to develop an individual's inner life; spiritual experience includes that of connectedness with a larger reality, yielding a more comprehensive self; with other individuals or the human community; with nature or the cosmos; or with the divine realm. Spirituality is often experienced as a source of inspiration or orientation in life. It can encompass belief in immaterial realities or experiences of the immanent or transcendent nature of the world.
Religion is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and worldviews that establishes symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values. Many religions have narratives, symbols, traditions and sacred histories that are intended to give meaning to life or to explain the origin of life or the universe. They tend to derive morality, ethics, religious laws or a preferred lifestyle from their ideas about the cosmos and human nature.

Now I know these are the simplistic explanations and there are those who would argue even them. Forumnites can be a hard and intractable bunch sometimes.

The religious aspect, I am familiar with. Not so much the spiritual, as I understand it. The way that a vast majority of spiritual forumnites speak about black people has me confused, because the threads consist mostly of the "transformation" that is to come and the new coming of the "one" and yet in another thread, these same "spiritual" forumnites are referring to black people as animals and apes. This confuses the Fool.

Does spirituality exclude black people? Will black people be part of this "transformation?" Does this new transformation excuse bad and rude behavior? Is it because these people will be transformed that they can afford to be racist and ignorant in their views? Is black spirituality less than white spirituality? Alternatively, is it all the same? The Fool wants to know.

I don't want to take up the space needed to write about religion as a whole. And as a side note, below is one of the 12 Rules that the Fool tries to follow.

The most terrible truth that anyone will ever learn while they are on Earth is… that they agreed to come here and to experience all that has, is, and will happen to them. The universe operates under this simple rule: all that happens is by prior agreement based on karmic justice between all the parties involved to balance past karma.
Enough said. Back to the hill I go.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

You Too Can Make It

Ah me. You Kneegroes never learn. Case in point. Herman Cain. Mr. Cain, who is

running for president of these United States of Amerikka had this to say about you lazy Kneegroes:

"I don't have facts to back this up, but I happen to believe that these demonstrations are planned and orchestrated to distract from the failed policies of the Obama administration. Don't blame Wall Street, don't blame the big banks, if you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself! ... It is not a person's fault if they succeeded, it is a person's fault if they failed."

I'm pretty sure he was talking to white people too. But we all know who he was really addressing(wink, wink)

The Fool generally, as a rule doesn't discuss politics, but I couldn't let this one pass. Way back in the day, when the slaves were planning a revolt or an escape, there was always one of you Kneegroe who would scamper back up to the big house to inform his beloved master what those crazy darkies were planning. Seems times haven't changed that much, huh?

This comes on the heel of our esteemed president telling you Kneegroes to get out of bed, take off your slippers and put on your walking shoes. If you ain't figured it out by now, then you really do have a problem, because the fact is: Kneegroes who make it in this life are not like you, don't want to be like you and do not want to associate with you and will go to any lengths, no matter how absurd to distant themselves from you. Kneegroes who make it in the business world are a special breed with very, very, tough skin. They are also insane. Of course there are exceptions to every rule.

They go along to get along. They have made themselves into what they think the big giant heads want them to be. They will say or do anything that they think will please TBGH and progress their status in life. But I really don't blame them, after all, we all want what "they" want.

You people are constantly throwing around the words Black community. There is no Black community. There is only a few million people with a few million views and they all conflict with each other. There is no Black culture. You left any culture that you had on the shores of Africa, as any African will tell you. Aren't Africans a jolly people?

Herman Cain and Kneegroes like him say these things to distance themselves from you. In their twisted minds, you are where you are because you are lazy, refuse to learn and speak proper English. While the real fact is, you are where you are because you refuse to work together, get along with each other and form your own communities where you can dictate your own future. This is where your strengths lie and this is the only path to survival in today's world.

From where I stand, there will always be Kneegroes like Herman Cain who will toss your black asses under the bus, watch it roll over you and merrily walk over your mangled black carcass to get to the other side of the street to kiss his white masters ass.

The sooner you learn to get your act together and start demanding that the black politicians who serve you, the people, do their jobs and make it their priority to get the street pirates, rapist and robbers out of your neighborhoods, then the better it will be.

But what am I saying? That would mean that you Kneegroes would actually have to start working together. It would mean that you would have to start getting along without killing each other. What was I thinking?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Big Giant Heads

The Fool feels that there is some explaining in order. So since this is my Blog,

I'm going to take a minute or two and go into a little more detail of the phrase "Big Giant Head."

As those, if any, of you know, I use these words often in my posts to refer to white people, who are different, in my view, from human beings, who can be white or any other color of the spectrum. I also use the word Kneegroe in lieu of that "other" word.

White people are separate from human beings in that they define themselves by their color or lack thereof. They are quick to anger. They are quick to pre judge. Knee jerk reactions are their favorite emotion. In the twenty first century they feel that they are an endangered race and every body is out to get them, especially black people. Kneegroes don't apply here, since they are too busy killing each other, which is in white peoples' favor.

White people's favorite phrase to black people is "get over it", whatever "it" is. It couldn't be slavery and the antebellum south could it, because southern white people have galas every year to celebrate the original southern way of life, which by-the-way, included slaves. They also have these wonderful civil war reenactments whereby they dress up in Civil War regalia and play at killing each other. And then there is this little picture to your left in Stone Mountain, Ga carved into the side of the mountain just to make sure YOU don't forget, because "they" haven't apparently gotten over it.

Human beings don't celebrate killing.

White people can always point out the flaws in other races, and have the data and statistics to back it up. Which always amaze me, because statistics can be manipulated, which to white people is a minor inconvenience to be overlooked.

Since we have struggled to this time and to this place in history and a black person is now president, white people have gone into attack mode. As they are now famous for saying, "White guilt is a thing of the past", a word they invented during the late 60's. (Black people had no idea what white guilt was.) I personally still don't know. Was it feeling guilty about slavery? Was it feeling guilty about Jim Crow, which was only about 55 years ago. How about those Sun down laws which morphed into DWB? Was it feeling guilty about their country which guaranteed certain rights to all people under the Constitution of the United States, yet denied those very same rights to black Americans?.

What's a fool to think? If white people had guilt, then that meant that they had a conscious. And if they had a conscious then they had to do the right thing. Isn't that what morality is all about?

Big Giant Heads have no guilt. Big Giant Heads have corrupted their consciousness. Big Giant Heads deny white privilege, while bemoaning the fact that too many black people and "other" races are getting hired instead of them. To a Big Giant Head, the only way a black person can land a decent job is through affirmative action. Big giant heads have cogitative reasoning.

And why the term Big Giants Heads anyway? Seriously? Have you looked at white peoples heads lately? I submit to you the head of Clint Eastwood for your examination or how about Keith Olberman as just two examples. You just need to open your eyes and look, but because psychology is being used to distract you, so that you don't notice. Have you ever heard of the term: high forehead? Try substituting the word big or giant. You get the message. Now you know.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Just the Facts Ma'am

The following is courtesy of: and is one of a slew responses to

Janet Hubert on the subject of "The Angry Black Woman".

The below was written by: brooklynbabe, which I present to you without further comment.

If you had such a problem working with a rapper, you never should have taken the damn role in the first place.

Second, I am tired of other sistas and their “problems” with those of us who are light. “Angry light skinned woman…?” Bitch, I'M BLACK! Dark skinned sistas always try to act as if we are separate and apart from the rest of the race. You all do that, not us! I go through the same shit you all do on a daily basis. I have to work twice as hard as they do, just like you do and that’s only to maintain. Forget about getting ahead. That’s more luck and timing than anything else. As we are lucky enough to be there at the time when no one else wants the damn job!

Get over your damn selves!!! We have no more advantage than your asses do. And for those of you that won’t let the damn house Negro myth go, I will tell you again. Those were the slave owners children whether he actually acknowledged them or not. If they didn’t work in the field, so what? I am always going to treat my children different than I would someone else’s. Exercise some actual common sense where that one is concern and finally let that shit go.

And, let go of that “I’m natural!!!” bullshit! Nobody gives a fuck about how YOU CHOOSE to wear your damn hair. If you want to wear an afro, wear it and shut the fuck up about it. Stop trying to tell the rest of the Black race how their hair should be. We can wear out hair any way we want. If you were so damn comfortable and happy with your hair and how “natural” it is, you wouldn’t talk about it every two seconds and feel the need to trumpet how happy and comfortable you are with your kinky, natural, not white hair! GTFOH!

Do you really believe that the majority of the white women that you see walking around are natural?! Do you?! If you do, you’re as stupid as I am sitting here thinking your dumb ass is! The majority of white women are fried, dyed and laid to the side, thank you very much!

It amazes me how so many on this site think they know so much and don’t know shit! Try walking into a white hair salon sometime and pay attention fools. Talk to some of them. Relaxers, hair color, extensions, weaves, clip ons, hair dye, etc., that was all pioneered for white women and then reformulated, repackaged and rebranded for us. I’ve repeatedly told you that the bulk of the money that's made in cosmetics and hair is from white woman. Yeah, they like the money that we spend but, we are a small part and an afterthought. Yeah, every so often they bring up how much we spend but, that’s actually brought up to show how much we spend on that in relation to what we make. It’s not that we’re keeping the cosmetic/hair industry afloat because quite simply, we don’t.

Get thee some education, a clue and some damn self love. Dark skinned Black women are their own worse enemy and then, sadly, an enemy to rest of the race because y’all can’t let go of those self-made demons and move on. You do your own selves in before anyone else would even have a chance to do so. SMDH!

This ish done pissed me off royally this morning! Too damn early.

brooklynbabe-Sept. 11,2011

The Fool must admit that he did a little house cleaning on her response. Mostly grammar and such, but I think the meaning comes through loud and clear.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cogitative Reasoning

The Fool is a student of the art of cogitation, not to be confused with prestidigitation. One means to mentally ponder a thing or things, while the other

means to manipulate a thing or things. Both have a common origin, that being the word manipulate.

I say I am a student. I am still learning. There are accomplished cogitators and there are professional cogitators. There are those of you who don't cogitate at all. And, there are those of you out there whose cogitative function is severely limited or at worse damaged beyond repair.

Suffice it to say that thinking is nothing without reason, a faculty that is sadly lacking in a lot of people. Reason being a word subject to a lot of interpretations. Then couple interpretive reasoning to cogitative malfunction and a social misfit is born.

A truth is, it all depends on your view of reality and your place in the puzzle that is life.

That was kinda of a long opening. I suppose I'm supposed to segue into the subject that I want to discuss today. Well. I don't want to. I suppose I could write about the unusual habit black actors have of dying in the movies or just disappearing altogether. Something that annoys the Fool to no end. I mean, did you see The Book of Eli? Denzel Washington, the STAR of the movie died. What kind of shit was that! Remember Battle Star Galactica? All the black actors who had speaking parts died.

How about Supernatural? The Fool loves Supernatural, but did they have to kill off Rufus? And where did they get the name Rufus from, for christsakes?

I could go on and on. But what's the use. So, back to work here. I'm all over the page today.

It would seem that a lot of black people suffer from cogitative reasoning. One example, being hell bent on remaining stupid, which is different from ignorant. Ignorant is just the lack of knowledge, something that can be fixed, but it would seem that "stupid" goes much deeper. Is it stupid to want to remain ignorant. Is it stupid to be smart, but dumb yourselves down to remain in favor with genetically stupid people or people who make a conscious decision to be stupid? Being smart, one has to know that hanging with stupid people is nothing but a dead end. So if your really smart you should be able to figure out that being around stupid people that do stupid things, will, in the long run make you stupid too.

The road that black people have been set upon is a hard one full of boulders, logs, flaming glass, ditches with alligators in them, wrecked cars and least of all Big Giant Heads who dislike you for no other reason than your color. The last thing you need to be dragging along behind you is a stupid black person, who in the end will toss your black ass into that ditch with the alligators while berating you for walking too fast and that was getting on his nerves and he needed his daily fix of drama.

You lose. Trying to do the right thing is not always the right thing to do. Some roads you have to walk alone to eventually be in the position to smooth the road out for those who come behind you. Sometimes stupid people have to be busted upside the head many times before a neuron is struck in just the right way and the light comes on.

The Universe is patient. It is relentless and will keep whacking you upside your head until you get the message. I know.

Where Did Our Beliefs Go?

Are we (black people) a spiritual people? The Fool's question for the day. I

know we used to be a religious people. We used to believe in a God and... that belief held us in good stead for almost 300 years. We used to believe that good and righteous people would, in the end get their "just" rewards in heaven. We believed that the wicked and evil people that inhabit this realm with us would get their comeuppance. Not so much now.

Heaven, in today's reality is just a mite bit too far away, I think. Have black people lost their way? Do the not "guaranteed rewards" outweigh the fact that there are so many evil people in the world who are living it up to the max on your dime?

Is it the fact that you have to go through so many personal, unnecessary and unwanted slights during the course of a day that makes you falter in your belief?

The black church used to be the center of our communities. The pastor reigned supreme. He held us together. He would visit our homes for dinner. He would inspire us with his sermons. The church was where we would go to contribute to the community. Remember the bake sales? Nobody could cook like the older black women. The Fool misses that.

Hey. Back in the day a lot of states were "blue states", meaning no liquor on Sundays. We would attend services in the morning, have a big lunch and go back to church in the afternoon. At the time, a lot of the parishioners knew where to get alcohol, which was THE place to go after services. We didn't argue. We didn't have fights and we certainly didn't shoot each other. We enjoyed each others company, as strange a concept as that appears to be in today's reality.

The Fool knows he is dating himself. And your point is...?

Somewhere along the line, the pastor figured out that the money and the glory to be had between sister Annie's thighs outweighed your spiritual well being. Thus the fall of the black community.

And I ask again. Are we still a spiritual people? Personally, The Fool doesn't think so. For one thing you have to remember, Christianity was forced upon us by our ancestor's slave owners. Our normal thinking minds had went on permanent vacation, during the Middle Passage. We were empty vessels waiting to be filled. And boy, were we ever.

The fool would like to know, here in the twenty first century: How do you define spirituality? Is your spirituality associated with any religion or is it a personal relationship with the Divine?