Thursday, September 29, 2011

Eulogy For a Friend

A friend of the Fools was into Blog posting a few years back. He was an angry black
man. He saw the declining spiral of black people and thought he could make a difference. He should have known better. If he had lived, he would have been pleased to see the first black president. Not so much how it is playing out.

I found the following post on his computer, among other things and as you can see, it contains a lot of anger. He was a good person. He liked sports. I didn't and don't. He never married, but he loved the ladies. As a matter of fact there was this one time when he and I had a thing for the same woman. She had booty for days. It didn't end very well and almost damaged our friendship. Women will do that to men.

I would like to share what he wrote. Some of you will see yourselves, some of you will understand where he was coming from and some of you probably will think he had mental issues. Whatever. He was my friend.
Black men are insane. Did I get your attention?
Here's another one. Black men are pussies.
You need another? Ok. Black men are still living in the 60's and early 70's.
Please explain to me how the White man is responsible for how you treat your women and children in your own homes? Please explain to me how the white man is responsible for getting all of these black women pregnant?
And please Lordy, explain to me, why Black men can't get along with each other and work together.
Here's a flash for all you turbo breeders out there. The Black woman is moving on. Yeah, you can still pimp the uneducated, self hating black woman. But those numbers are dwindling... and fast. What are you going to do when your pimping ways don't work any more? What are you going to do when the job market is closed off to you? Yep. It's coming.
Blaming other races for your failure to work together is not the solution. Blaming other races for your total lack of self respect for your brothers is not the solution. Wailing and whining against Black women is not the solution. And Lord knows, killing each other doesn't work either.
The world is moving on. Black men are not. It's that simple. And to all you Black women out there: Stop being so angry. Stop being so un-approachable. Stop looking as if you'll kick the shit out of any Black man that says "Hello" to you. Some of us are really trying.
As a side note. Big Is Beautiful. Fat is Not. Fat is unhealthy. You got to start taking care of yourselves. Please.
Nothing to add. I agree with him for the most part.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Convoluted Thinking and Bad Behavior

The Fool reads things on the Innernet that makes him glad that he relocated to the hill. It's a great neighborhood,

mainly because there is only me. The grass is always green and there's a small freshwater stream that runs beneath the hill.

Anyway, enough about me. Here's one of the things that I was referring to in the above paragraph. Check this out

Sorry. This link was taken down. You can find the story here:

That wasn't the end of the story. Not by a long shot. One of the parents of the "tried to be shooter" came back with a small mob, tried to break into this mans house and threatened him for calling the police on her son, because he had this unnatural aversion to getting shot.

How, in the name of all the devils in the seventh level of hell, is this racism? Somebody please tell me? I know I'm a Fool. I freely acknowledge it. But this is beyond comprehension. He called the police because a mob of people were trying to break into his house and shoot him. Did I miss something here?

I first came across this strange mentality when I read a Stephen King book, The Dark Half. In one of the scenes the protagonist was trying to cut one of the characters, a publicist, I think. The publicist resisted and tried to fight back. Needless to say, the bad guy got more enraged and screamed: " Stand still so I can cut you!" Another favorite of mine is the reply given by a criminal after being caught for rape or reducing a fellow human beings head to spaghetti sauce.......with meat is: "He/she should have run faster."

What kind of back ass thinking is this? It's the victims fault?!!?? Why? Because he was white?? Because he didn't want an extra hole in his body??? I tell you what. If you bring your guns and your mobs and your convoluted way of thinking to the Fools Hill, be you black, white, yellow or possessing a furry tail growing out of your ass, I will not hesitate for one second to send you to your insane God.

The Fool knows that you kneegroes are angry. You can't find work. You're competing with Mexicans and the Big Giant Heads for jobs. Food and gas is expensive. And by all reports, it's going to be really, really cold this winter. City workers will be going from house to house next spring with ice picks to chop you kneegroes out of blocks of ice when the thaw comes.

Or maybe they'll do like Arizona and just leave you there until the smell gets so bad that you become a public nuisance. Then they can arrest your carcass and charge the costs to your family. Anything to make a buck, dontcha know.

People, you can't keep this up. Your inability to play nice has consequences, as I've said before. So tell me, when curfew comes, then what? What's the plan? How about this?

How about getting together, pooling your money and growing your own food? I can hear it now. What kind of shit is this fool spouting now? Well, for beginners, it will give your children something to do. Dirt is free and boxes are thrown out behind stores on a regular basis. If you can get the pastor of your church to crawl out from between sister Annie's legs, he might be able to help you start a fund that you all contribute to, to buy meat and other staples. You can also start with brooms and irons. Brooms to keep your property clean and an a iron to press your clothes. If you have weeds near you, you can call weed abatement. You kneegroes love to talk on your cell phones anyway. Learn to complain to the right people. Get to know your government. Get off your black asses and go to a couple of the city council meetings. The Big Giant Heads don't know or care what your problems are unless you tell them.

So what if you're getting EBT cards or welfare? Every time you go to the store, buy gas, pay rent or utility bills you are contributing to the running of the system. You are helping to keep employed people employed. That makes you have a voice, but no one will hear it if you don't speak up.

OK. I'll make it as simple as possible. For a beginning, how about a simple "hi" or "Hello" when you come into contact with another black person? "What's up" will do also. It's a person to person acknowledgement. Human to human. It means: "I see you." What could be simpler than that? It has to start somewhere.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's Really Simple

Why are you Negroes so cruel to each other? The Fool wants to know. Is the Big Giant Head gene so prevalent, that...

you let it override all common sense? By all the known information and history about black people, we should be the tightest race on the face of the planet. Even tighter than Jews.

I mean, you men punk your women and then turn around and act like pit bulls with each other. All that's missing is sniffing each other asses when you come into contact with each other.

What has another black man done to you that is so bad that it would make you want to kill him? He stole your dope? He cock blocked you? He owed you money? He tried to steal your woman? What? He bumped into you at the club? He was wearing the wrong color shirt? His car was better than yours? What was it? Some minor shit that that's not even a blip in the Universal Consciences. In other words, BULLSHIT!.

Nobody is asking you to make nice with other black men, but there is such a thing as respect. And in case you don't know, respect is defined as:

Both a positive feeling of esteem for a person or other entity (such as a nation or a religion), and also specific actions and conduct representative of that esteem. Respect can be a specific feeling of regard for the actual qualities of the one respected (e.g., "I have great respect for her judgment"). It can also be conduct in accord with a specific ethic of respect. Rude conduct is usually considered to indicate a lack of respect.

As you can see, respect is rooted in Esteem. Esteem is rooted in Self Worth. In other words: What Do You THINK of YOURSELF? That's the sixty four dollar question. Because if you don't think you ain't worth shit, you will act accordingly. You will be hell on wheels to yourself, those around you and those who you supposedly care about. Which means, you'll make their lives miserable.... because, well, YOU are miserable. Does that make sense?

Black men. You need a new paradigm. You need a warriors mentality. You need to know that, because of slavery, you have been infected with the Big Giant Head gene. It's the first step in realizing your problem.

Black people are always asking: What is the solution? Where do we start? We start with ourselves. We start with respecting each other. We start with respecting our women, our children and our elderly. We start with the end of killing each other. It can't get any simpler than that.

If you don't know by now, the fact is, you came from Africa, but you are not African, as any native of Africa will be happy to tell you. What we have in Amerikka is a race of people who calls themselves black (Negroes) as defined by the Big Giant Heads, who created you through the rape of your women and the slavery of your men and ascribe certain negative qualities to you...who are hell bent on acting out these qualities in your daily lives.

Yeppers. That's what the Fool said. You were created. In the white mans image. Whom himself (he thinks) was created in the image of an insane God. The five hundred pound gorilla in the room is: You ain't white. You have the same psychological make up. You have the same concepts as white people. But you ain't white. And therein lies the problem.

Imagine. Scientists have cloned the first human/monkey hybrid. Now, this "humon" has developed the ability to speak and express itself . It knows the difference between right and wrong. Prefers to wear clothes, uses the toilet and has basic social skills. And has taken a unusual shining to beer. What do you do with it? Do you try and integrate it into society? That's a can of worms you don't want to open. The answer is simple. You do what Victor Frankenstein did. You cast it off to fend for itself.

Does this ring any bells? It should and I know this is a cold blooded way of looking at the situation. But, we as black people have to start from ground zero. To survive, we have to come together. To survive, we have to come up with a new matrix of living. We can't continue down this road. We just can't.

We have to acknowledge, but not forget our history and move on. We have to start respecting one another. We have to start helping one another. We have to be a community of Black People.

The Fool believes that if you're, black, light or almost white, you are still a Black Person and should be accorded the respect that you deserve, because your ancestors gave so much, that you could survive and prosper. Why can't you try and live up to that legacy? The Fool wants to know.

Jack Daniels and Me

Today the Fool was going to rant on the word "boss", but midway through the post, I thought of my original post, which
was professional drinking. Now at this point I should state that the Fool has nothing against drinking, alcohol that is. But as the fool has discovered through the years, a lot of you Negroes don't know a damn thing about professional drinkers. As a matter of fact, professional drunks are a secret that nobody wants to talk about, be you black, white, brown or yellow.

I really hate referring to Orientals as yellow. It brings to mind a banana. Can some one think of a new color, because there are some Oriental women out there that the Fool would work two jobs for plus overtime and sell the few worldly goods that he has for just one look at the Secret of Fu Manchu. Don't get the fool wrong now, there are a lot of black women out there that makes the old taliwhacker stand up and salute.

But I digress. Anyway, for those of you who don't know, there are more than two types of drinkers. The so-called social drinker. Wait a minute the fool was laughing so hard while typing, he rolled down the hill. Social drinker? Ahhaaaa ha. Social drinker. What a joke. What a bunch of bullshit. Social drinker is just a polite way of saying alcoholic and you "social drinkers" are included in this post under the word "drunk".

What people who drink or are around drunks fail to tell you is: their drunken behavior is who they really are. That old excuse of: "I was drunk and didn't mean it." or "I don't remember what happened. Or "Did I say/ do that? It was just the liquor talking." This is a damn lie. Alcohol loosens inhibitions. Alcohol removes the walls that people place in their minds to get along with the rest of humanity. I guarantee you that if your wife or husband or girlfriend or whatever, punks you out when drunk or says some really shitty things to you, then you can make book that this is how they really feel. Everything else is a lie. And if you can't see it, then you are an accomplice in that lie.

Which brings me to the professionals. If you aspire to be a professional alcoholic, here are the rules you must adhere to:
  1. You must eat. Preferably before or during drinking. Nuts are great because of the salt. That's why bars put them out. Pretzels are good too.
  2. Stick to one drink.
  3. Do not do shots. It screams drunk and amateur. Yeah they all laugh and egg you on. That's because you are the clown of the moment. Learn to sip. You are in this for the long haul.
  4. Avoid mixed drinks. This is just the fools personal opinion. Besides, drinks with sugar and soda really screws with your digestive system. Keep your mixing to either water or ice. Your body will thank you.
  5. Know Your Limit. I can't stress this enough. Your body will give you signs. Listen to them. Being drunk out of your mind may seem hilarious to you at the time and funny to your "friends", but it can have some dire consequences that you might not want to deal with down the road.
As a professions alcoholic, the fool drinks because he enjoys it. I don't drink to get along or be popular. I hate being around sloppy drunks; men or women, because they, as a rule tend to get out of hand and act really, really ignant. (that's not a typo)

If you drink to the point where you forget what happened while you were drunk, then it's time to STOP. You're killing your brain. If, while you were drinking and got into your car and drove home, but don't remember how you got there, then it's time to evaluate the situation. Cars do not have automatic pilot and this time something was watching over you. Next time, that something might be on break or checking out for the day.

The fool has NEVER had an accident because of alcohol. I keep my shit tight. So should you.

Ladies! Please. In your unending quest for external stimuli and the "bad boy", if your going to get shit faced drunk, have enough sense to do it around someone you can trust. Be very careful of men you call "friends", because they can turn out to be your baby's daddy. And you won't have remembered shit. Have a look at the end of my post titled "Lilly."

Sunday, September 25, 2011


The Fool would like to take a time out today from his insane (depending on how you view them) musings. I had occasion to come down from the hill to tend to some personal business.

One of the Fools relatives dog had puppies. No big thing right? Dogs have puppies. That's what they do right? So why is the Fool even bothering to write about this? I do not know myself. Except for the fact that said dog is seven years old and has never had a litter.

But let me start at the beginning. The dog, I'll call her Lilly belongs to a relative of the Fools who had just aquired another dog. A male, two years old. Yep, you guessed what happened. Anyway, I had been noticing how this dog was always sniffing around Lilly. OK. That's what male dogs do. I get it. And you would like to know what this has this to do with anything?

Well to make a long story short, I happened to walk in just when the male dog was trying to uncouple from Lilly, (he said, trying to put it delicatly). My first response was surprise, that is.... until Lilly looked up at me. Lilly is a tiny blond little fur ball with huge brown eyes. She is very reserved, built low to the ground and waddles when she walks. She also understands what you say to her and knows when you want to be left alone. A trait some people don't have.

I am not a "dog" person or a "cat" person. Animals are great to have around, but not for me. I do not get attached to animals. I treat them nice and will feed them if absolutely necessary, but I have found that they demand too much of my time.

Back to my story. There I was standing in the kitchen looking down at this small animal, who was staring back at me with a look of confusion, surprise, sadness and most of all: a I'm sorry look on her little furry face.. I think I had my mouth open at the time. I forget. But I do remember the look she gave me. The male dog, having completed his deflowering, dastardly deed, sauntered jauntily away to leave Lilly to her own devices.

It was a scene out of a slasher flick. At the time I truly wanted to kill the male dog at that moment. I wanted to chop it up and stuff the parts into the garbage disposal. I wanted to wring its little neck.I wanted to hurt it really,really bad. It would, I think that at that time, it would have been a very happy experience for me. Fortunately the rage passed as quickly as it came,... to be replaced by a kind of sadness. I don't know. Even as I am writing this, I don't know.

Lilly has had her pups. She had six. Five survived. She's camped out in the back bedroom. We bring her food and water, because she won't stray far from her puppies. She goes out and does her business and comes right back. She sleeps on the floor next to the little basket we made up for her and her family. She will not let the other dog near her or her puppies. She's bitten him a couple of times that I know of.

I now have a perfect understanding of where the word "dog" comes from as applied to men. "The male dog eats his food in the kitchen, prances around the back yard barking to his hearts content. He still begs for scraps from the table and lounges on the couch on his back." Occasionally he sniffs around Lilly, to see if she's in heat, I suppose. She on the other hand, will have no part of it. Good dog.

You men out there, especially you black ones. You need to get your shit together. And you women. Damn. At least make him wear a condom. They. Are. Free. Have some respect for yourselves. I know a little dog who takes better care of her pups than you do of your own children. Damn. The door swings both ways, don'tcha know.

The Fool is going back up the hill. You can have this crazy shit.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

In the Beginning...

When did it all start? How did it start? Why is it like it is?

Of course the Fool is talking about racism. Like you didn't know.

It's an interesting story. The beginning always is. It's sorta like "Once Upon a Time." It draws you in and you want to know more.

For those of you who are so inclined, I submit the following, as Rod Serling would say. Queue the Twilight Zone music.

It started with the Hamitic Hypothesis which said: "Ham and Canaan were "marked" in the pigmentation of their skin (i.e., they were made black) and thereby became the fathers of the "Negro" or "black race" - and the curse [i.e., "a servant of servants he (Canaan) shall be"] accounts for why the "black race" has suffered to such an extent at the hands of whites and Arab slave traders."

The Hamitic Hypothesis derives principally from Genesis 9:18-27, which states;
24And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.
25And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
26And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.

But wait, there's more:
Ham is told by his outraged father that: "Because you have abused me (sodomized/buggered me) in the darkness of the night, your children shall be born black and ugly... because you have twisted your head to cause me embarrassment, they shall have kinky hair and red eyes...
because your lips jested at my exposure, theirs shall swell...
and because you neglected my nakedness, they shall go naked with their shamefully elongated male members exposed to all to see...

I have a problem with this on so many levels, least being, why God would choose an alcoholic drunk with dysfunctional kids as custodian for the new beginning of life on Earth. And for a drunk, that Noah had some serious skills, with those curses and all.

Since Ham was under the protection (blessed) of God, the curse was directed at Canaan, Hams son, who as I understand it, was just an innocent bystander. Not only was Noah a drunk, but he also lacked any self control, a typical trait of alcoholics.

Mind you, this is not a religious blog, but everything has to have a beginning. And it would seem that the black race was dealt one hell of a beginning. The thing is, the Hamitic Hypothesis originated in the Jewish Talmud (Oral Traditions of Jewish Sages) and did a hop, skip and jump over to Christianity and its many offshoots, who are always looking for a way to give a good beat down in the name of the Lord.

To this day, many so called Christians believe this fairy tale, even if the Hamitic Hypothesis has been disproved by bible scholars and professors all over the world. It just goes to show you. Nothing is so strong as an idea whose time has come. Especially an idea that endures and endures and will not go away.

Friday, September 23, 2011

We Could Have Been a Contender

So. Troy Davis is dead. Amerikka lifted up her skirts and showed the world her dirt under wear. Move on. Nothing to see here. Will Amerikka contemplate changing the death penalty? Oh please. Get a clue.

You can scream. You can moan and groan. You can protest. And in case you haven't gotten the email or twit, your little protests probably won't be televised. That is if you can get a permit and they can find a designated area for you to protest in. If you're up to speed on current events, you might have realized a new tactic that the TPTB are using now. Namely, blacking out ALL media services.

And in case you weren't paying attention, there will be CCTV coming to a neighborhood near you in the immediate future.

So go ahead. Fight the good fight. No one will know. Nothing will work now. Don't you get it? This regime is too powerful and they're backed by some of the most sophisticated weaponry you can imagine. They have people working for people who work for people who dream up shit to keep you in your place.

The only thing the Fool can come with that just might work is.... putting your differences aside and uniting together under a common cause. Oh man, I think my head just exploded. I just used the phrase: "put your differences aside." What the hell was I thinking?

Imagine that? In this country of self centered, psychotic, greedy, hateful, war loving, intolerant , neurotic, moronic, people, the idea of coming together for the good of the country must sound, at the very least, bat shit crazy.

Imagine that. People actually trying to get along and understand each other. What a concept. Alas, the Fool thinks it's too late. This country has to run the course set for it over 300 years ago. This country could have stood for something. It could have been so much better.

There's a small stream that runs below the hill. I'm going down and put my feet in the water and wiggle my toes.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Root Cause

There is something that the Fool has been wondering about for quite some time. The fool wonders about a lot of shit as you're finding out and so do... I suspect a lot of Black people.

For instance. The love hate relationship between black and whites which takes center stage over the racial relationships between other races. What is it about the black/white relationship that elicits such strong emotions from both groups of people? Why is this not discussed in the black blogosphere?

You cannot get the blood flowing when discussing Mexicans, Hebrews, Orientals, American Indians, Jamaicans, and any other race, except maybe Muslims. And then they are given the benefit of a doubt. Yeah, I know about the genocide against the Native Americans and the Chinese got the shit kicked out of them for awhile there too.

But the fact is, all of these groups of people retreated into their own conclaves and communities and for the most part get along pretty well together.

I could extrapolate on any number of factors as to why there is such animosity between Whites and Blacks. Lord knows People waaay more smarter than the Fool already have. So saying that. I would like to throw out the following. Mind you, this comes completely out of left field and some of you might call this insanity, but the Fool has never claimed to be sane, hence the name Fool.

Stephen King wrote a novel, The Talisman (written with Peter Straub). In it was a creature called a billybopper ( I think I have right book here). The billybopper was semi intelligent and could speak rudimentary English and could understand what it was being told. It also had a good disposition and was loyal. (Hence, the terms monkeys and animals when Black people get "uppity" or refuse to play nice.)

Kinda like a slave. Black people were the perfect "billyboppers". After going insane on the Middle Passage, black people were literally dumped into a strange and alien environment where they were systematically deprived of their language, their culture, their religion and their very sense of self. To survive they submitted. They instilled in their children what was needed to survive, which was passed down from generation to generation, even into the twenty first century ( Driving While Black comes to mind).

To survive, one must submit. The First Law of being a slave. When the master comes for your wife. Submit. With submitting odds are pretty good you, as a man would get your wife back, but you had to give up your manhood in the process and your wife would never look at you the same way again. Because by submitting, you cannot protect her.

And one day the time would come when they would come for your family. Submit.
The odds on this little slice of slave life are pretty good also. Life being what it is, you just might run into them again or better still if the odds are real good, you might get bought but their master, all things being equal. All you have to do is submit. Things will get better. But like everything on this cosmic plane, submitting has consequences that reverberate down through the ages.

I tried to, in my foolish way, go into the animosity between Black women and Black men. Yes, I know I went all the way to New York and back through St. Louis to get to Arizona, which is not the place I wanted to start from anyway.

But you see, everything about us and between us and White people has its root in slavery. Its a tree that both sides keep watering and applying Miracle grow to to keep it fresh and green. Every so often some body will sneak in and apply a healthy dose of root killer. To no avail.

Black people need to stop bringing their pails to the party to water this tree. Human beings don't engage in this type of behavior. White people need to put down their pails. Again. Human beings do not engage in this type of behavior
Of course it doesn't help when other races start throwing water balloons at the tree as a just in case.

The Fool put down his pail long ago when he decided to try out this Human Being thing. What about you?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Human Beings

If anybody is reading this, they know that the Fool comes down pretty hard on people, usually Black and White. A lot of you think the fool is bat shit crazy. Maybe I am. But......

Let me, for a moment, at least during this post, clarify something here. The Fool believes that the Earth is inhabited by two and only two groups of homosapiens, which include, White people, Black people, Yellow people, various Brown people and a few Red people which constitutes one whole group. And then there are Human Beings, a very small minority with morals and a sense of right and wrong, who struggle to do the right thing. Human Beings see others who they come into contact with during the course of the day as individuals. In the old days, they were known as people of the world. If they disliked you, it was because of YOU, the person, and not the race that you might have belonged to.

Human Beings do not pre- judge. Human Beings are not in denial, nor do they make excuses. They have a sense of self, which the other groups lack. They are secure in who they are. They are kind people. They are considerate people. They come in all colors and are not bound by their groups ethnic, racial and religious beliefs. They are, for the most part, regular people who suffer through the same mind numbing, spirit killing, soul shattering days that the rest of humanity goes through. And the next day they rise to face the onslaught yet again while still maintaining their grace.

I think it was a quote by Benjamin Franklin. Of course the Fool might be wrong. Anyway... it goes something like this: "Charity means helping those less fortunate than yourself and expecting nothing in return." A concept that is really foreign in today's world. In the world that we live in today, the mantra is: "What have you done for me lately."

There used to be a lot of Human Beings. More than there are today.

A lot of people claim to be Human Beings, priests being amongst the worst of the lot. Another old saying comes to mind. (I have a lot of them) "Stealing in the name of the Lord." Sound familiar?

Oh yeah. Another thing. Human Beings possess a conscience. Something that is sadly missing from the first group I mentioned. But in the end: What do I Know? It is said that knowledge begins when you admit that you don't know. I do know that there are a lot of things I wish I knew and there so much to know that I don't even know where to start. So I try to begin at the beginning, Which is ME. That's where,… no matter who or what you are, you have to start. The journey is within.

It looks to be a really nice day on the hill. There's even a slight breeze.

Monday, September 19, 2011

I Am Confused

What is wrong with you Negroes??

Flash mobs?? Women beating up on women?? Random shootings??? Robberies???

This has got to stop. There are no excuses for this type of behavior. Please make up your minds. Are you on some type of vendetta against White people? And if that is so, why are you beating, robbing and killing your fellow Black descendents?

What is this leading up to?

A few years back it was confirmed that the CIA was dumping drugs into the Black community. The response from White Amerikka was to just not use the drugs, conviently overlooking the fact, that it was THEIR Government and their tax money that was used for the operation. Some how this was OK.

It was Ok to enrich the drug lords and make them more powerful. It was Ok to conduct clandestine operations on Amerikkan soil against Amerikkan citizens. Yep. That's what I said. Whether you want to admit it or not, Black people ARE Amerikkan citizens. All of this was Ok, because all you knuckle dragging white people (you know who you are) could see was the increased drug use and violence in the Black community, which fit into your spiritual and moral ideology that Black people were animals. So you gave the CIA and YOUR government a free pass.

I guess you didn't mind that your money was used to funnel drugs into the country. I guess you don't mind that your money IS used to arm the drug cartels. But what the hell.

Here's a fact for you. IT'S NOT YOUR MONEY. You get to decide what you do with YOUR money. You get to decide what bills YOU pay. You decide how you will spend YOUR money. YOUR money is what is left after the government takes THEIR share. Which kinda makes you like share croppers in the good ol' US of A.

Who decided how much of YOUR money would go to the government? I don't recall your government asking you what a fair share of YOUR money is and how it should be spent. And yet you say we should all pay our "fair" share. I also don't recall YOUR government asking you what a fair share is.

I know I'm all over the page here. I am a Fool.

There is an old saying: "honor amongst thieves." Apparently Black people didn't get the message. There's another saying. Stand together as one or fall by the road separately. I'm lying. I just made that up. But if you as Black people continue this behavior there will be unsavory consequences. And if you as Black people continue to remain silent and let these street pirates and turbo breeders run rampant, then the fault is your own.

Here's another fact. White people don't give a shit about you. They have White shit to do. You are, at best, a minor annoyance.They are moving on. Mexicans and Orientals and American Indians don't give a shit about you. All of these groups have their own agendas. You as a race have nothing but your whining. And that has gotten old.

You must learn to ask the right questions. Here's a small fact. White people now are famous for saying that Black people had slaves. That Black people were involved in the slave trade. Which was true. But I have yet to hear or read about Black people making the statement to White people that, "nobody forced you to go and get them and sell them like cattle. Nobody forced you to stoop to the level of trafficking in human flesh. Nobody forced you to deny them basic human rights." White people did all of this on their own. And you Negroes don't want to call them on it.

And if Black people weren't so engrossed in self hatred and killing each other on a daily basis, they would realize this.

This has been a long post and I am tired. The breeze is coming in and the grass on the hill is speaking to me. I'm going to roll on over and watch the clouds coming in. Maybe it will rain.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Fried Chicken Conspircy

The Fool is just sittin' here watching the clouds go buy and wondering some crazy shit. Something you would expect a fool to do.

So... I was reading an article on the web that happened to mention Black people and chicken. Being the fool that I am, I began to wonder. Why is the fact that Black people like to ingest fried chicken so god damned funny? I have seen many a cooking show with white people giving lessons on the art of cooking chicken. So am I to assume that they don't really eat fried chicken? They're just showing how to cook it so that they can laugh at Black people who, I can only assume, are part of the joke.

Are all of those commercials promoting fried chicken CGI, so that "they" can keep us eating fried chicken as a way of showing how inferior we are? Is that why KFC and Popeye's have alternate menu items? Are the alternate menu items for White people only? Is this part of the new racism?

Are White people who eat fried chicken ostracized from those White people who don't? Do White people secretly eat fried chicken? If a White woman/man marries a Black person, does that mean that if the White man or woman refuses to eat said fried chicken, that that constitutes grounds for divorce?

Is there some secret society that watches over white people to make sure that they don't eat fried chicken? Will they report their neighbors if the smell of fried chicken is coming from their house? The Fool wants to know as this has been bothering the fool for some time now. By the way... the same can be said about watermelon, which happens to be one of the healthiest fruits available. The Fool could write a book on this one. Can someone help me out on this??? I mean, after being ridiculed and laughed at for well over 300 years, it would seem to me that you Negroes would be getting tired of this sort of shit.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Where do We Start?

The Fool has been cogitating again.

The last couple of days the fool has been visiting various and sundry "Black blogs"
just know... get a feel of what's going on in the black community. Contrary to popular white belief, there is no PBN(Psychic Black Network) that we, as a people can tap into. I know, I know. For you white people out there reading this, who have the habit of asking a Black person to define the problems of a whole race, the PBN does not exist. It is a white myth. Sorry to burst your bubble. And please stop asking a Black person what the problem is with Black people. It's racist and embarrassing to the black person being asked. The Black person being asked can only give you his or her opinion as an individual. The operative word here is "individual". And if you still feel that what you say to one Black person, you say to all or that you grew up around Black people(sic), that you have a handle on the black experience and you know Black people.... you are a sadly mistaken racist. The Fool stands behind this statement.

Anyway. (Whew) Back to the subject I was attempting to write about. After spending several hours of time that I will never get back, I noticed a trend running through the blogs that I visited. Namely, the art of whining. Next to the Hebrews, we are world class whiners. Every Blog was dedicated to what the Big Giant Heads(white people) were doing to Black people. Yes, there are a few blogs that attempt to tackle the problems of the black community, but not enough. Where do we start? Where do we, as a people begin? In the fools humble opinion, how about simple respect for each other? Not liking each other... just simple respect. As it stands now, we can't even say "hello" to each other without getting cussed out by our women or shot by our men. Saying hello to another man does not mean you are gay nor does "hello" to a women mean, "I want to fuck you". (well most of the time anyway)

It's a start in the right direction, because even as the Fool writes this, another generation is coming along. It's not too late to teach them some simple respect for their fellow human beings. It's not too late to teach them that there is a future for them. It's not???.....???? Oh Lawdy, the Fool is preaching here!! The Fool knows how you Negroes hate to be preached to. That's why the Fool went up on the hill and never came back down. Let me roll on over here, get comfortable and check out the clouds rolling in.

A Fool's Story

Here's a little story the Fool has for you. It's taken from observation and experience. Make of it what you will. For those of you with ADD, it's a very short read.I call it:

One day in the Life of One Black Man

OK. check this out. Dashon is a temp employed by Same Day Hire temporary services. He is assigned to work at Acme Roto Machine Company. Dashon is Black and the job pays $8.75 an hr. with the chance of becoming permanent, which would up his hourly pay to $10.50 an hour.

Mark, who is also employed by Same Day Hire, shows up also. Mark is White.

They are both sitting in the break room waiting for Mr. Elki, their contact. When Mr. Elki comes in, he assigns Dashon to work with Mike and Mark to work with Gene, two of the older workers.

Mike takes Dashon over to a large pile of machinery parts and tells him he has to separate the parts and put them into the proper bins. After showing Dashon around, Mike tells him he will check back with him to see how he is doing in a couple of hours.

Gene takes Mike (the White temp if you're keeping up) over to the shipping area, hands him a broom and tells him he has to keep the area clean and empty the trash. Gene also shows Mark around the plant. They stop off at the lunch area to get coffee and get to know one another. Gene also tells Mark about the break and lunch schedules and just what his job is about. Then Gene escorts Mark back to his work area.

After a couple of hours Mike shows up as promised to see how Dashon is coming along. Dashon has a few problems with the parts he is sorting. It seems some of the bins don't have part numbers and he has had to make guesses as to where certain parts go. Naturally this has slowed him down. Mike is sympathetic with Dashon and shows him where the part numbers are stamped on each peice. He assures him he will go to up to the office "right now" and look for the parts sheet and get them printed out. He tells Dashon to keep up the good work and leaves.

Since it is now two hours into the shift, Mike is sitting on the dock with Gene for first break. Acme Roto Machine takes pride in how they treat their employees. Gene has taken a liking to Mark and has found out that Mark has a wife and a two year old baby girl. They are saving money to move out of mother-in laws house.

Later in the morning Dashon joins them in the lunch room, having worked through break and with the rest of the employees have a quiet lunch.

Dashon goes back to sorting parts. Gene escorts Mark back to his work area, but before leaving ask whether or not Mark has any experience driving fork lift, to which Mark replies "yes".

The day passes with out incident. Dashon is still struggling to sort parts alone, Mark is still sweeping and having conversations with the other employees.

At the end of the shift, both temps leave for the day. Mike and Gene are called into the foreman's office and asked for their assessment of the the two temps. Mike tells his boss that his guy was kinda slow and was having trouble sorting out the parts. Gene says that he had no problems with his guy. As a matter of fact, he learned that his guy could drive forklift and was trying to support a wife and kid.

Guess who got the job?????