Thursday, September 29, 2011

Eulogy For a Friend

A friend of the Fools was into Blog posting a few years back. He was an angry black
man. He saw the declining spiral of black people and thought he could make a difference. He should have known better. If he had lived, he would have been pleased to see the first black president. Not so much how it is playing out.

I found the following post on his computer, among other things and as you can see, it contains a lot of anger. He was a good person. He liked sports. I didn't and don't. He never married, but he loved the ladies. As a matter of fact there was this one time when he and I had a thing for the same woman. She had booty for days. It didn't end very well and almost damaged our friendship. Women will do that to men.

I would like to share what he wrote. Some of you will see yourselves, some of you will understand where he was coming from and some of you probably will think he had mental issues. Whatever. He was my friend.
Black men are insane. Did I get your attention?
Here's another one. Black men are pussies.
You need another? Ok. Black men are still living in the 60's and early 70's.
Please explain to me how the White man is responsible for how you treat your women and children in your own homes? Please explain to me how the white man is responsible for getting all of these black women pregnant?
And please Lordy, explain to me, why Black men can't get along with each other and work together.
Here's a flash for all you turbo breeders out there. The Black woman is moving on. Yeah, you can still pimp the uneducated, self hating black woman. But those numbers are dwindling... and fast. What are you going to do when your pimping ways don't work any more? What are you going to do when the job market is closed off to you? Yep. It's coming.
Blaming other races for your failure to work together is not the solution. Blaming other races for your total lack of self respect for your brothers is not the solution. Wailing and whining against Black women is not the solution. And Lord knows, killing each other doesn't work either.
The world is moving on. Black men are not. It's that simple. And to all you Black women out there: Stop being so angry. Stop being so un-approachable. Stop looking as if you'll kick the shit out of any Black man that says "Hello" to you. Some of us are really trying.
As a side note. Big Is Beautiful. Fat is Not. Fat is unhealthy. You got to start taking care of yourselves. Please.
Nothing to add. I agree with him for the most part.

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