Monday, October 17, 2011

Additional Information

This is going to be an information post. As you all know, or should, I like to troll the news sites and wander through the postings to said sites. And Lawd have mercy, some of the things I do read.

Here's just one example I found today.

An 11-year-old girl was injured Sunday afternoon on the Far South Side of Chicago when she was struck in the arm by a stray bullet while she sat inside her home, watching TV.
And here's a few of the comments.
"she should have been doing homework in her room. TV is bad for her"
"look at the demographics...welfare state much"
"Another fine example of Dr. Kings legacy. I am sure he would be ashamed of what has become of blacks in America today. With all the drugs , driveby shootings and crime his words have been drown out ."

Now you have to remember that this is from ONE site. Have you Kneegroes considered that stories like the above go viral all over the Internet? Youtube Facebook and other social sites are not the only sites where a story can go viral. These stories are picked up by online news sources every day.

And do you know what the scary, freaky deaky part is? Depending on where you're reading something like this, these people who are making these insensitive racist remarks, just might be known to you in some capacity. You might work with them every day. They might be your neighbor. You will probably give their kids candy on Halloween. You probably speak to them when you're out shopping. The odds are pretty good that they might be your doctor or dentist or plumber or the smiling lady who is checking you in for your appointment.

Although, being a Black male, I have noticed lately that white women do not smile at Black men (unless they know he has money or a big tallywhacker).

You might be thinking... "paranoid much?"

Could be. Maybe. After all, I am a Fool.

On a separate note concerning my last post on Willie Lynch. I will be posting additional information, which is available HERE


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