Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Race and Spirituality

Does the word spirituality have to have the word "black" in front of it? Is the word spirituality only valid when used by white people? Is it necessary to use any type of word in front of spirituality? Why is the word black in front of spirituality even necessary? It's just something the Fool has been thinking about here lately.

I think about spirituality often as opposed to religion, especially organized religion. A lot of people claim to be spiritual in nature and yet I have heard or read of these same people telling someone who disagrees with them to stick their opinion up their ass. I have seen these people gloat at the death or misfortune of another human being. Some how this just doesn't gel in the Fools mind, which means it just forms little globs of inanimate matter and oozes out of my ears. I would like to know how these two very different and wildly separate point of views can exist in the human form. After all, you might say: Hitler loved Eva Braun, that being a wildly divergent statement, yet illustrates my point.

Are we these spiritual beings that we purport to be or are we just too lazy to fess up to the fact that we don't want to join one of the many popular religions that permeate our society and just blurt out to anybody that is listening that, "I am a spiritual person." I mean you can be into witchcraft, Satanism, Druidism, Emissaries of Divine Light, Ananda Marga or any of the thousands of religions and cults out there and call yourself spiritual. You can even be non spiritual and call yourself spiritual. It's all semantics.

What I'm trying to get at here is, do you believe in a higher divine power and does this power have a preference as to how it is known to you since you think you should delegate the word "black" as a means to identify your belief system? Apart from the verifiable cults and focusing on one divine force (we're still talking spiritual here), why is it necessary to superimpose race onto the divine? Organized religion has done a pretty good job of that through the centuries and way back in the good old days more than a few white people thought heaven was segregated and their churches reflected their beliefs. And if you were to go backwards a few more steps in time, you would find that a lot of those kindly slave owners believed that their slaves would be with them in the hereafter to tend to their needs. I guess they believe that at the end of the "day" their servants would retire to the ghetto section of Heaven to await their call to duty for the next day.

If you think about it, the Egyptians believed the same thing. How weird is that? And how come God didn't say anything about all the Africans held in bondage? Oops. My bad. I promised to stay off the subject of religion.

Is being spiritual having your own personal relationship with a higher power than yourself and understanding that this power has your benefit at heart and that you are a part of everything and everything is a part of you and believing that when you commit a wrong, a wrong will be committed against you because the universe works on cause and effect and good and evil and positive and negative and so above as below. Is this what you define as spiritual? Because if it is, then you wouldn't be doing and saying some of the crazy, insane, vile and nasty shit that you do. And you would drop the word "black" from in front of spiritual.

All is borrowed energy, neither black, white, red or yellow. Neither good or bad. It's how you apply this gift of life in your daily travels through this temporal plane. You can make your little light shine brighter than the brightest star or you can make it flutter as if deprived of oxygen. This gift is only a loaner. Be careful how you use it, because there's no renewal on this contract.

But, like I always say, I am just a Fool. What do I know?

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