Monday, October 31, 2011

The Pope Said So

To every problem expressed against you kneegroes, someone and there's always someone who is responsible for mouthing those famous words: "What's the solution?" Indeed. What is the solution? How about abandoning the "What" of the problem and concentrating on the "Where" as in: Where do we start? or, "How" do we address the problem?, which are many.

For starters how about being a little bit civil to each other? It's a small thing and all it's gonna cost you is a breath. Yep. A tiny exhalation of air as in "Hi" as you pass. The Fool knows that some of you Kneegroes out there would rather have hot pokers shoved up your asses before you would even begin to acknowledge the existence of another black person. You'd probably shoot that poor Kneegro for stealing your air. Okay then, let's try this one. How about going old skool and just giving the nod? It's just a teeny weeny tip of the head in an upwards motion. It says that I see you and I don't mean you any harm. And you might as well add: "please don't shoot me" to the description cause these ain't the old days.

It's something to build on. And it's funny because when you black people are surrounded by white faces, the first thing you look for is another black person. I can't figure that one out. That's cogitative reasoning at it's worse. For you more bolder souls out there, a smile would be nice with eye contact. Note. I did not say stare. I said eye contact. Staring is another one of those things that will get a cap busted in your ass. Please remember this. There ARE rules.

I have to ask. How did it get this way? When did kindness become a weakness? How can such a small insignificant word like "Hi" hold so much negative power? Is this another one of those slavery things? Someone, I forgot who, postulated that black people suffer from Post Traumatic Stress from slavery, which seems kinda far fetched to me after so much time has passed. Another rather unorthodox theory out there is Stockholm Syndrome wherein the captives become sympathetic with the captors. Hmmmm? I don't know.

So. As if you didn't know, the Fool has his own theory and being the Fool that I am, it's kinda out there. For instance when our ancestors first came to this country, (Yep. Back to slavery) they made it here in a state of shock, those that survived. The human mind can take just so much shit before it turns in the keys and checks out. These people went through something so unimaginably brutal and horrible that it's hard for us to imagine it. And as a side note here. I am not talking about the people, black or white who instigated the conditions those people found themselves in. I'm talking about the people who actually went through those horrid changes. There is a difference.

Where was I? Okay. You got this brand spanking "new" thing in front of you. The scuttlebutt from the ships was that they weren't quite human, but they were strong and capable of learning. Even the church had given it's blessing or in the words of the Pope, God had said have fun and knock yourselves out and good luck.

So there they stood. Devoid of religion. Devoid of culture. Devoid of pride. Just a human shell filled with fear. This was truly a case of survival of the fittest. The only problem was that the lights were on, but nobody was home and nobody thought or wanted to check to see if there was a faulty connection somewhere because after all, they weren't like "you and me" and there was work to do. So began our ancestors indoctrination into the white culture of the time.

I use the word indoctrination in it's sluttiest form as opposed to absorbed, because there was no way in Hell white people were going to absorb us into their society. A belief system functioning to this day. In the end, it's all academic because at the time our ancestors were in Pavlovian mode. Punishment and reward. From the beginning black people were divided. Off to the fields you go. Welcome to the big house for you and you over there. Yeh, you. You are a fine turn of a woman. You. Up to my bedroom with you. We gonna have some fun tonight. God is good.

And that's how it started. An abbreviated version. The point is this. We are still involved in this hellish indoctrination whether we want to admit it or not. Studies have proven that your little child would rather have the little blond doll over the black one. Maybe we treat each other so badly is because we are ashamed that we are this way. We are ashamed because we are/were made to feel ashamed. Because we were used and ostracized by a society that at one time said we were free to do... what? Get the shit kicked out of us because some white person was having a bad day? Because we are so fucked up in the head that we still carry around the belief of "good hair", light to bright skin and "talking white". Believe it or not, these are all the things that we, in our kookoo state of mind, use to identify ourselves with those who twisted us into this simulacrum of white people. We are ashamed ....and angry. At what? Because having "good" hair or light skin makes a black person just a little bit closer to being white? Is that it? Is that one piece of the puzzle? Is that one of the things that light your fire? Hell I'd be ashamed to admit that to my own damn self. You think the Fool is crazy? You think the Fool has lost what little mind that he had? Fair enough. But please explain to me the existence of the Brown Bag Clubs. And yes, they still exist. Or how about the obsession with the Prezs' skin color. Oh my Lord! Really? I did warn you.

On the other hand, if you're secure in yourself and your own skin, then what I have said means nothing. It was a bunch of crap, but I suspect I did slip one of the board pieces into place and given enough time the whole picture will eventually come into view.

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