Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Media and Indoctrination

Have you ever heard the phrase: a people are the sum total of their history? Or to break it down on a personal level: people are the sum total of their experiences. They both mean the same thing, only the names have changed to protect the innocent.

I constantly refer to the Middle Passage, because that's where it all began; what you might call the root problem of the black race in Amerikkka. To understand yourselves, you've got to understand where you came from. You can trace your family tree all you want to, but that only tells you the genealogical order of how you arrived at the place that you are now. If you were to trace the psychological tree (and they do exist), you would find something terrifying and magical. For instance. You remember uncle Walter, the light skinned uncle? Well, you might find that good old uncle Walter inherited a gene on his white side that made him a tad bit dysfunctional. Get the idea?

From the moment your ancestors walked, crawled or were dragged from those ships, your fates were sealed. The indoctrination began immediately and was permanent and has lasted into the twenty first century. Resistance was futile. Frankly, I'm surprised that the psychology of the Middle Passage and the subsequent brain altering mechanisms used by those who held our lives in their hands has not been discussed among black scholars and those in academia who are way more smarted than I am. But what the hell. I'm just a fool. Who lives on a hill. And just watches the world spinning round.

Sorry. I tend to get carried away and I apologize. continue on the subject of indoctrination and this is not a lecture. This is just how it's been. A blank slate. That's what we were and as any science fiction writer will tell you, a blank slate upon which white people could write anything they chose to. The writers of that time chose subjugation. And to all of you Kneegroes who insist on defending the phrase: they were just men of their times, I say to you: FUCK YOU! All you're saying is that they were by no means exceptional. Gandhi was not a man of his times, nor was Dr. King or John Kennedy for that matter. What you're saying is that these were just plain old ordinary racist home boys who were unable to rise above their society and that was alright because that's the way it was back then. Fuck you. Caesar was not a man for his time, nor was Aristotle, Pythagoras, Sun Tzu(the little Chinese guy who wrote the Art of War), Muhammad Ali (my hero),Rabindranath Tagore (look it up) and of course Jesus Christ. These were people of their time, but not of their time. These were selfless people who tried to improve upon the human condition and better thir station in life and those around them for whatever reason. They pushed for the greater good. How was slavery for the greater good? Anybody with a lick of sense would have known that the human condition was to be free and that the matrix of slavery would, sooner or later come back and bite them in the ass. History has proven this and yet they ignored history for their own gain. And these were men of their times? Kneegroes,… PLEASE.

If you black people don't know by now, the media is your worst enemy. The media from the time of the old printing presses have been showcasing your worst traits to the United state and the world, which was justified and even sanctioned by the Pope and the church which relegated you to the status of animals. Kinda forgot about that didn't you? And how was this belief spread? Well, as they say: the media was the message.

TeeVee and the MSM is no friend of black people. It was through the media well up to the late sixties that contributed to the vilification of black people. You should know this. It's part of your history. It's a history white people want you to forget. It's a history white people don't want to discuss. White people don't want to have a dialog about race. If they did, don't you think we would have had one by now, especially here in "post racial" Amerikkka? No, sorry. The majority of white people just want you to go away. They wish to wake up one morning, turn to the news and discover, by some miracle that all the black people in the country have vanished. Then they can lead the harmonious lives that God meant for them to live.

Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?

Sun Tzu-

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