Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cogitative Reasoning

The Fool is a student of the art of cogitation, not to be confused with prestidigitation. One means to mentally ponder a thing or things, while the other

means to manipulate a thing or things. Both have a common origin, that being the word manipulate.

I say I am a student. I am still learning. There are accomplished cogitators and there are professional cogitators. There are those of you who don't cogitate at all. And, there are those of you out there whose cogitative function is severely limited or at worse damaged beyond repair.

Suffice it to say that thinking is nothing without reason, a faculty that is sadly lacking in a lot of people. Reason being a word subject to a lot of interpretations. Then couple interpretive reasoning to cogitative malfunction and a social misfit is born.

A truth is, it all depends on your view of reality and your place in the puzzle that is life.

That was kinda of a long opening. I suppose I'm supposed to segue into the subject that I want to discuss today. Well. I don't want to. I suppose I could write about the unusual habit black actors have of dying in the movies or just disappearing altogether. Something that annoys the Fool to no end. I mean, did you see The Book of Eli? Denzel Washington, the STAR of the movie died. What kind of shit was that! Remember Battle Star Galactica? All the black actors who had speaking parts died.

How about Supernatural? The Fool loves Supernatural, but did they have to kill off Rufus? And where did they get the name Rufus from, for christsakes?

I could go on and on. But what's the use. So, back to work here. I'm all over the page today.

It would seem that a lot of black people suffer from cogitative reasoning. One example, being hell bent on remaining stupid, which is different from ignorant. Ignorant is just the lack of knowledge, something that can be fixed, but it would seem that "stupid" goes much deeper. Is it stupid to want to remain ignorant. Is it stupid to be smart, but dumb yourselves down to remain in favor with genetically stupid people or people who make a conscious decision to be stupid? Being smart, one has to know that hanging with stupid people is nothing but a dead end. So if your really smart you should be able to figure out that being around stupid people that do stupid things, will, in the long run make you stupid too.

The road that black people have been set upon is a hard one full of boulders, logs, flaming glass, ditches with alligators in them, wrecked cars and least of all Big Giant Heads who dislike you for no other reason than your color. The last thing you need to be dragging along behind you is a stupid black person, who in the end will toss your black ass into that ditch with the alligators while berating you for walking too fast and that was getting on his nerves and he needed his daily fix of drama.

You lose. Trying to do the right thing is not always the right thing to do. Some roads you have to walk alone to eventually be in the position to smooth the road out for those who come behind you. Sometimes stupid people have to be busted upside the head many times before a neuron is struck in just the right way and the light comes on.

The Universe is patient. It is relentless and will keep whacking you upside your head until you get the message. I know.

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