Monday, May 7, 2012

The Joke's On US

The below is an answer to one persons rant about the Jewish people of which there are several populating the Internet. I though this one really struck at the heart of the situation of Black people in this country as it not only stands today, but down through history

Then again it's not like our genocidal (but well intentioned) floundering fathers were the epitome of anything less than conflicted murderers and conniving land grabbing thieves themselves.

Even at their religious best (worst) they were horrifically conflicted supremacists.

When people see and read and manipulate in their own minds a puree of poisoned reasoning so as to accept the tripe of their bogus declaration "all men are created equal" as some sort of divine proclamation, this is just proof positive of "we the people" at their collectively ignorant best.

This "all men are created equal" crap spewing from the sick English minds which are among the most racist and degraded in the galaxy, means this, in reality...

All Christian WHITE MEN are created equally.

They never even pretended otherwise.
They left that misconscrewing up to "we the people" who immediately, hopefully and with mucho delusion took the bait, hook line and sinker.

If you think for an instant our genocidal (but well meaning) floundering fathers even for an instant considered Asians, Indians, Negroes, Eskimos, etc., etc., etc. as even human beings let alone equals, you've already lost the battle for even a short vacation in sanity.

Hell, those hubris overfilled Lords thought they were being oh so "mighty white" (as perfectly depicted by their personal blue eyed Jesus) by the fact they so righteously and benevolently included Polaks, Dagos, Czechs and gasp! even the Irish as sorta/kinda/quasi equals. (but not really)

We all know how that turned out in practice, eh.

There's your nugget of bloody truth among the sack of fools gold known as patriotism or Puritans or our Christian nation "given by God."

As for the Jews and their hopeful but fatally errant manipulators, how many effing times are you gonna poke the hornet nest, try to ride that demonic tiger?

As Hegel said.. "the only thing history teaches us is history teaches us nothing."

Just as it will, once again, after this latest go round.

The only redemption is through our very own individuality.

Still there, even among 7 billion or 17 trillion others.

They haven't figured out how to co-opt this completely. Not Yet.

But they're working on it and you can "sure as Hell" take that to the bank.

I can add nothing.

Friday, May 04, 2012 5:15:00 PM

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