Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I Am Back

After a rather lengthy absence... I have returned. I'm not as angry, self serving, pompous,or as critical as before. I've discovered that after reading over some of my old posts that I rather liked the FOOL. He had guts and a take no prisoner attitude. A rare personality for a black man. And does that make me the kindlier, gentler, go along to get along black man? At this point I don't know, because I have just emerged from one of those life-changing events that you always hear about and hope you never have to endure. Otherwise known as a shit storm to the uninitiated. I have also discovered a new meaning for FUBAR.

I won't be posting every day as I did in the past and I've already trimmed some stuff from the blog. De-cluttered it I think they call it. That's about all I feel like doing right now. Short and sweet.

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